Teufel, Force Commander of the 14th Host

I do not need coddling from my Daugh- Sister. I am Force Commander of the 14th Host, I am one of the Greatest Warriors of Celestia! You do not need to worry about me Tali. I am fine. Even if she views me as a monster. - Teufel to Tali Ashdew

Force Commander of the 14th Host, Teufel Ashdew

Teufel is a Fiendish reflection of Archangel Zefer Ashdew, the extracted essence that Asmodeus attempted to corrupt her with. She has sought out Archangel Zariel as a mentor and when she showed her skills with a Blade, the Archangel named her Force Commander of the 14th Host.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Teufel was created from the corrupted essence of Zefer Ashdew after an encounter with Asmodeus. She was "born" believing herself to be Zefer and struggled for many years to come to terms with what she is. Viewing herself as an abomination and assuming that the woman she was based on saw her the same way, Teufel left Dragon's Claim Keep in search of a place to call home. She wandered Celestia, only the word of Ari Ashdew kept the Angels from ending her life, and encountered the reborn Archangel Zariel, who saw a kindred soul and offered to spar with the Fallen Angel.   The Match was closer than Zariel would be willing to admit and she made Teufel the offer of being her Force Commander. The Fallen angel accepted and now serves as the Force Commander of the 14th Host. She has learned battle strategy and when her Archangel is absent, Teufel leads the Host in her place. The Fallen Angel has clashed with foes far more powerful than her station would suggest, even going so far as to battle a Demon Lord alone to allow her brothers and sisters in the 14th to escape. She is known as "Zariel's Black Blade" by her fellow Angels and has sparred on equal footing with The Force Commander of the 2nd Host, Zorie.   She is visited semi regularly by her sibling, Tali Ashdew.
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
2083 EP 691 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
225 lbs.


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