The Burning Hands

"Touched by Heaven and Hell, We Serve no Master and seek our own Peace in this world. We shall do whatever it takes to achieve Our Peace."

A group of former mercenaries who now bear the might of both Heaven and Hell. While their exact numbers are unknown it is known that they hold a Fortress in the territory of the Former Kothan Imperium and have held it against assaults from both the Armies of Hell and Heaven. Iomedae and Casmodus have both declared the group as dangerous and have each placed a reward upon their destruction. Amusingly, this has led to Archangel Zefer Ashdew taking them under her protection as a means of insulting both groups.


While the exact means the Burning Hands have attained their power is known only to their leadership, It is known that they possess powerful relics of both Heavenly and Hellish Origin. These relics are used in an unknown manner to imbue their beings and weapons with their unnatural flame.


The Burning Hands were founded by Asaki Neser, an adventurer hailing from New Tian Xia. She wields a pair of dual pistols of exceptionally advanced design, presumably Old World Technology. She publicly declared a local Noble a Tyrant and executed him with a single shot from her primary weapon. She then spent the next seven days pursued by the former noble's men. Not a single soldier returned to the fortress where the execution took place. Asaki declared that she was tkaing command of the Fortress and any who sought peace and freedom from Tyranny were welcome to stay under her rule. Only a handful of the commonfolk stayed but those who did were well taken care of and the Adventurer set about recruiting her first soldiers.   Within one month the powers of Hell and Heaven had taken notice of her and sent soldiers to deal with her. She executed both Angel and Devil alike and set their bodies on the walls of the Fortress as a warning to others with the words "Neither the Tyranny of the Heavens nor Hells shall be tolerated" painted in their blood between them. As Asaki began to draw more and more of a reputation she drew more and more to her banner and eventually the Outer Planes had grown tired of the Adventurer and sent champions to defeat her. The Hells Unleashed Archduke Autrion Haman upon her while the Heavens sent Galfrey, Herald of Iomedae. Both were defeated not by Asaki alone but by the Burning Hand and her newfound soldiers.   Following this the Archangel Zefer Ashdew arrived at the Fortress to speak with Asaki and after a legendary duel where Asaki lost but managed to injure the Archangel, Zefer offered the Organization her protection from the Outer Planes. The deal was struck and the Hells and Heavens could no longer attack Asaki or her followers without incuring the Wrath of Mount Celestia.   The Burning Hands now have their influence across the world but primarily seek out what they deem as injustice and abuse of power. Some do not agree with their judgements or methods but they are effective at enforcing their own form of Justice.

We strive for Peace, No matter what means we must Employ.

Founding Date
Military Order
Alternative Names
The Dark Paladins


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