The Crimson Count

The Crimson Count is unique among the ships of the Sunfire Archipelago as its spirit was not drawn from the vessel but bound to it instead. The Count's original name is lost, erased by Strahd Von Zarovich upon their escape from Barovia. After their escape the Count fled to the seas, the one place their Vampire kin would be unable to follow and bound themselves to a vessel using occult blood magic.   They were bound to the vessel as its spirit and their mind was weathered by the curse that Strahd laid upon them. They soon forgot nearly all of their memories, forgetting even their name and appearance. Now they choose their form as they wish, man or woman it matters only how they feel upon each day. They retain none of their vampiric abilities but do retain their appearance. Their captain and crew share in their former agelessness so long as their bodies still live. The count themself maintains an air of superiority but makes sure to maintain the health of their crewmen.   They have quite a fond relationship with their captain the deceptivley old Captain Altus. Many who come aboard on the ship assume that the two have a close friendship but are unprepared for the relationship to be quite as close as it is. The two share a level of closeness one would assume of an old married couple. For a spirit to sleep with their captain is seen as odd but not uncommon but for them to treat their captain as they would a spouse is even more uncommon. While never officially wed, The Count has gone to such great lengths to protect their captain that none who know them would be surprised by such, as The Count once led an invasion of the Shadow Lands to retake Altus from the Port of the Shadow Tyrant.
Ship Class: Galleon
Captain: Altus Nyx Alavir
Crew Size: 100 Maximum crew
Estimated 4000
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White


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