The Empyreal Lords

Draw their Ire at your own risk, for they will destroy any who threaten the Heavely Realms.

The Rulers and Chief protectors of Nirvana, The Empyreal Lords are a group of Celestials who stand equal to the Archangels in Power but who do not engage in the War with the Demons. The only time they have engaged in battle outside of Nirvana was when Asmodeus wounded the Light of Heaven and threatened all creation with destruction. The Empyreal Lords and their servants scoured Asmodeus and his followers from the Heavens.

Public Agenda

They have declared themselves the Defenders of the Upper Planar realms and any who would bring battle and bloodshed to them will face their ire. The Empyreal Lords have never known defeat, in all their engagements they have quickly and decisively ended any battle they have joined.


The Empyreal Lords formed with Nirvana and have guarded their realm since its creation. They view the Angels of Celestia as overbearing in their support of the Rule of Law and the Azata of Elysium as too carefree and undisciplined. Each of the Empyreal Lords stands equal to the Archangels of Celestia in power, though it is unknown how many they number in the present day as they allow mortals who have achieved enlightment to stand among their number. No one Lord stands as leader and much remains shrouded in mystery of their ways, as only Archangel Aaravos was able to bend their ear in ages past.   When Sun Wukong Destroyed the court of the Archons in retribution for the deaths of his Companions, the Empyreal Lords corralled the Monkey King and taught him patience and bestowed him with Wisdom. It is unknown if Sun Wukong is counted among their number, though it is often assumed not as he speaks directly against much of the Upper Planes.

Through Patience,, Wisdom.

Religious, Divine Host
Alternative Names
The Lords of Nirvana
Controlled Territories


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