The Fel-Harmonic Festival

This otherworldly theater occupies a space between worlds as it exists in both the Feywild and the Material Plane. It was conenected to the Material Plane by Archfel Quillima Duskborn and is a neverending show of musical talent and Fey Playwrights. As long as the Theater remains occupied, then the Archfel remains empowered.   A nearly endless celebration commences here and many of the refugees from the Roost have come to see the Theater, even if they do not end up staying long. Mortals can find themselves swept up in the extravagance and find themselves spending entire days within the Theater, even if they only meant to stay for a few hours. The effect of Fey time dilation is lessened as Archfel Quillima is not yet powerful enough to control time within their realm.   While the centerpiece of the Theater is the stage itself, the Theater offers food and drink as well as good company to all who enter. The Treant Groot also wanders the area offering amusement and friendship to those who enter the area.
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