Vella Duskborn

My mind poisons them... I hurt mom and Nem when I tried to sleep. No more, I'll keep away and they'll be fine.

Princess of Nightmares, Vella Ireshi Crisvin-Duskborn-Arterian

The Fel daughter of Quillima Crisvin and Nishi Arterian, she was a kind and joyful spirit.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her spine was horrifically damaged by Mazerath using an unknown force crippling her from the waist down and causing interuptions to the rest of her body. She can only use her hands to perform simple tasks and fine motor control is beyond her ability now, actions such as dressing herself are tasks that require actual concentration and effort on her part.   Her voice has been utterly stripped from her. She can make no sound save those that can be made by a clapping hand or other physical force. No screams, no cries for help and no hums can escape her and this lack of ability on her part seems to be taking its toll upon her.

Body Features

Vella has been changed by both her mothers transformation and her own over use of Fel Rot during her duel with the Harlequinn, Alansa Trego. Her body has changed to that of an Archfel, albeit an immature one. She may teleport herself and others at will within the Fel Wild and when neither of her parents are present she can control the flow of time within the Fel-Harmonic Festival.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Almost Immediately after Vella spoke her first word, she began to speak almost incessantly. Since her birth she has grown Quickly as most Fey do and has been a constant in either the Fel Dragon Nishi's presence or in the presence of Mellos, the Fey watcher. She has pestered the both of them with nigh endless questions and her vocabulary grows at an astounding rate, as she will begin using words almost immediatley after she has heard them, able to deduce the meanings of words fairly easily. She is highly energetic and has been observed sleeping only a handful of times, with the rest of her time being spent either conversing with her mother or Mellos or watching performances around the Festival.

To encourage her energy in a more positive Direction, Mellos began teaching her how to play instruments which have proved a worthwile distraction. She enjoys the company of Jadyn and Nemri and is one of the few people Nemri allows to touch objects he has collected.   She has become a proficient musician under Mellos' tutelage and is a performer in her own right. She can compete with both of her Mothers in terms of pure musical talent, though she lags behind Quillima in terms of channeling magic. Instead she uses her quick wit and silver tongue to get her way, as she has become an excellent teller of half truths and hollow promises the longer she spends within the Fey Wild.   She does not wish to fight but has taken some lessons from different instructors. She showed an unexpected level of strength when she was training with Scadrag and the experience seems to have left a negative impression on her as she has taken to fighting like Zefer and Ari Ashdew. Scadrag is still unsure of what happened but he swears he saw something snap within her.

She has become something of a schemer, always focusing on some new plan or scam to get coin, though lately her attention and interest has been focused on the young man within the Fel-Harmonic Festival known as Acren, not much about whom much is known.   Following her return to the Festival from her and her friends abduction by Alansa Trego, She has been less fond of appearing within shows at the Festival, preferring to spend time with Acren. The three headed Dragon seems to have been more exhausted than the others by his exposure to Fel Rot, most likely due to his Elemental Nature. Vella has been taking care of him, making sure he remains comfortable and ensuring he eats and drinks healthy amounts. She is now often seen resting leaned against his humanoid form or within the gaps between his heads in his draconic forms.   Since her mother has taken the mantle of Fel Queen, Vella has been seen training in more martial aspects with greater frequency. She has been learning from Ari Ashdew and Anaya Clearspring in Daggers and Rapiers as well as training her body in Acrobatic fitness using these skills to contort herself or to improve her mobility in a fight. Her skills have seen unnatural improvement and she appears to be gaining new knowledge faster than her lessons would allow, though if pressed she refuses to elaborate on the source of this newfound knowledge.   Vella has been seen within the Fel-Harmonic Festival with decreasing frequency since her Sister's return from The Sunfire Archipelago. She has spent far more time within the Starlight Grove setting aside her bardic tools for much simpler ones that her partner, the Elemental Dragon Acren, makes use of. She has been learning of Druidic lore from the former pupils of Dandren and from the Archdruid Ari Eld, though her studies tend not toward the circles of any other within the Grove as she has settled her focus on the Circle of Dreams. She has made it apparent that she does not seek mastery nor the power of an Archdruid but she has expressed a desire to heal and bring comfort, both to her family and others. Her training in the Druidic arts progress well, she has already mastered the Druidic Language and now spends much of her time training her new abilities with Acren who also follows the Circle of Dreams, at least in part.   Following her injuries fighting Mazerath, she has sat silent and stared forward, only interacting with those who prompt her or engage with her. Acren has not left her side since he was healed and Vella's eyes are empty and dark. She sits quiet, clutching Acren's hand but offering no other signs of life or consciousness.

Mental Trauma

Having been utterly crippled by Mazerath and hearing the God say why he had inflicted such injuries against her personally, Vella has no desire to see her Mother and views the actions taken against her as a betrayal of trust. She now views only her sisters and Acren as those she can trust and will be hesitant to believe any promises or actions taken by those around her.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She Enjoys the company of Arcen Eld much more than most and she seeks to help him calm his mind.

Personality Quirks

She wrings her hands when she lies.


Jadyn Arterian


Towards Vella Duskborn


Vella Duskborn


Towards Jadyn Arterian


Nemri Duskborn


Towards Vella Duskborn


Vella Duskborn


Towards Nemri Duskborn


Acren Eld


Towards Vella Duskborn


Vella Duskborn


Towards Acren Eld


Class: College of the Harlequinn Bard/ Swahbuckler Rogue
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archfel of the Fel-Harmonic Festival
Acren Eld (Lover)
Jadyn Arterian (Sibling)
Nemri Duskborn (Brother)
Feminine Non Binary
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
The Woodland Witch
Aligned Organization


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