The Fey Wild

The Feywild is a land of permanent Dawn and Dusk. The sky is painted either with a sunset or sunrise depending on which court holds influence over the region. The two primary courts of the Feywild are the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. The Seelie Court is led by Faerie Queen Titania and represents summer, dawn and rebirth, while the Unseelie Court is led by the The Queen of Frost and Darkness and represents Winter, Dusk and the peaceful rest that accompanies these. The Two courts are not openly hostile and while often not engage each other directly, sending emissaries to lay claim to portions of the Feywild currently under the other courts Dominion.   They Feywild is a land overflowing with Magic, with it being the birthplace of Elves and Gnomes as well as the Fae Folk. When most hear the term Fae they assume the tiny fairies of the woodlands, tiny harmless lights. This is a mistake as the Fae folk come in many varieties and the Purge War has twisted parts of their home.  
  • Archfey are the Leaders of the Feywild, each has their own court and most are part of either the Seelie or Unseelie Court. Each Archfey is unique in their appearance and personality, but most are bound by the rules of the Fey. Within their Domain an Archfey has almost Godlike Power and influence.
  • Fey are tall human like Fae that have fairy like wings and often strange skintones. They are the servants of the Archfey and the ones who primarily wander the Feywild. They are also commonly the Fae sent to make deals with mortals should the need arise.
  • Pixies range from 5 inches in height to 1 foot and resemble small humanoids with small dragonfly wings and light blue skin. They are the most warrior like of the Fae and a group of them can hack up nearly anything that enters their territory uninvited in mere moments.
  • Fairies are roughly the same size as pixies but much less aggressive and much more mischievous. They glow faintly and love to prank individuals, with varying results. They were the most affected of the Fae by the introduction of Rot and the Felwild, with their corrupted people becoming larger and more violent.
  Within the Feywild exist cities of the Eladrin, the elves most closely related to the Fey. They live primarily within the cities and remain protected by their Archfey guardians, though they have begun to face the threat of the Fel and now ready themselves for War. They will trade with mortals who brave the Feywild and are among the safest places on all the planes.   The rest of the feywild is untamed wilderness and those who brave it will find beauty and danger at every turn.
Included Organizations


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