The Twilight Court

I have watched silently for so long.... No Longer. Now I stand in the Light, Looking down upon the children who claim Dominion. I lead both the Fel and the Fey. Together we shall have peace.

An Orginization of Fey and Fel working together. The Twilight Court seeks to bring a peace between the Fey and Fel. They are now at war with both the Summer and Winter Fey Courts.


The main belief of the Twilight Court is that there can be peace between the Fey and Fel. This was a simple goal that became more complicated with the Declaration of War from Titania and the Queen of Air and Darkness.   Now the Twilight Court hopes to maintain itself and keep Peace within its borders.


The Twilight Court was formed after The Woodland Witch discovered the Fel were not mindless creatures thanks to the infection of Quillima Duskborn. Following this Quillima was named an Archfel and placed in charge of a settlement in which Fey and Fel could meet and engage without Violence.   This situation continued until recently when The Woodland Witch lost her arm in trade for the soul of Quillima, at which point she retreated to the Fey Wild until Quillima was given control of the Fel and named Fel Queen. Following this she has named Quillima the Queen of the Twilight Court, to mixed responses.

Demography and Population

Currently the only Sizeable population within the Twilight Court is within the Fel-Harmonic Festival.

Foreign Relations

Currently the Twilight Court has no relations outside the Fey Wild except with Dragon's Claim Keep. They have maintained Peaceful relations and many of the Keep's denizens visit The Fel-Harmonic Festival regularly.   Within the Fey Wild they are at War with the other two powers within the Plane, The Summer and Winter Courts. Fey Wars are lengthy and subtle affairs with at most a few dozen fey engaging at once. It is likely that this war will go on for Centuries, if not Milennia, before anything of Note happens.

Life and Rot, All in one.

Founding Date
Court, Royal
Alternative Names
The Fel Court, The Court of the Woodland Witch
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Gift economy
Executive Body
The Queen of the Court, Currently Quillima Duskborn, makes all primary decisions on how the Court should interact with the rest of the Feywild. She has absolute Authority on what is done within her court, though some may attempt to do things without her knowledge.   The Queen of the Court may assign others to act in her stead if she is away.

Articles under The Twilight Court


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