The Feywild

You ever done Drugs kid? The Feywild is like that but the rules of the world follow drugged up rules. Grass can kill ya, water floats up and the people are... something.

The Domain of the Fey and the Eldest, under the rule of The Nightmare Queen.

Localized Phenomena

Within the bounds of the Feywild the laws of time and space are unwritten and rewritten on the whims of the Archfey and the Eldest. While the Nightmare Queen maintains complete control over her realm in most forms, the control of time is one she has only partial control over.   That duty falls to the Eldest known as Shyka the Many, a collection of beings across the expanse of time, who weave the flow of time throughout the Feywild. The Nightmare Queen and Shyka remain on neutral terms, neither interfering with the other's business. Thus can the Queen and her Archfey manipulate the flow of time to some degree within their own realms.


The Feywild is the merged final plane of the Feywild of Almura and the First World of Golarion. The Plane is a reflection of the Material Realm, though the entities that rule are far removed from their mortal counterparts. While the majority of the Plane is controlled by The Nightmare Queen, her power has its limits and she cannot keep the Eldest from their own machinations beyond her reach.   While a handful of the Eldest joined the Nightmare Queen and chose to submit to her rule, the remainder with the Lantern King foremost among them, have sought to oppose her and remove her rule. They have been largely unsuccessful in this with their greatest accomplishment having been to wound her Grand Daughter, which they were rewarded with swift retribution as she personally hunted down the Lantern King and while she was unable to kill the Eldest, she forced him into hiding for well over a century of time on the Material Plane.   Within the Feywild the Nightmare Queen's word is law, she is able to negate the power of Gods within her realm and she maintains a constant awareness should any such beings enter her domain uninivited. Many learned of her power when the Spider Queen, the excised insanity of the Goddess Lolth, attempted to invade the Feywild and the Nightmare Queen forced her back, alone, but stripped her of her ability to planar travel, thus trapping her in her own domain without relying on external means to travel the planes.
Alternative Name(s)
The First World, The Fey Realm, The Fel Wild, The Nightmare Realm
Plane of Existence
Owning Organization
Contested By


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