Quillima Duskborn the Nightmare Queen

Care to bet your freedom on that? I could always use more puppets...

The Fey Queen Quillima Isabella Duskborn- Crisvin (a.k.a. Quill)

The Fel Queen of the Feywild and the Head of the Fey Courts, Quillima Duskborn is the Lady of Rotten Strings and the Queen of Nightmares.

Physical Description

Body Features

Quillima's Body is the Unliving Heart of the Fel Rot and since her succession as the Queen of the Fey, the rot within her has become less present. She retains her overall dark look that she became associated with during initial tenure as the Fel Queen, though now she boasts a lighter step and more carefree attitude when not focusing on her duties as Queen of the Fey.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following the Destruction of Mazerath, the Adventuring Party known as the Chaotic Seven slowly went their seperate ways, though they have continued to remain in contact with one another and will aid each other if given half a chance to. Fel Queen Quillima was a common face at Dragon's Claim Keep, though after the final battle against Mazerath she spent far more time within the Fel Harmonic Festival performing her duties as Queen.   She stood with the other Fey Queens, Titania and The Queen of Air and Darkness, against the encroach of the Eldest from Golarion on their territory. United the three Queens were able to match even the Power of the Lantern King, the Oldest and most Powerful of the Eldest. Several Centuries of conflict later, The Queen of Air and Darkness fell to the machinations of the Eldest, poisoned with no cure available in time. Before she passed she gave the remains of her power to Quillima, with the Promise that the Fel Queen oversee her Court and the survival of those she had ruled over. With this added power Quillima's power within the Feywild of almura became near uncontestable even for Titania. The Queen of the Fairies eventually withdrew herself from the affairs of the Fey, following the loss of her Sister she became increasingly sullen, and she gave what power she could to Quillima before withdrawing herself completley.   With the Full power of the Three Queens of the Fey Quillima not only pushed back against the Eldest but made an example of the Lantern King and his mischievous ways, not killing him but hounding him for weeks with illusions even he could not see through. It was this action that earned her the Title of the Nightmare Queen. The Eldest speak of her in hushed tones and dare not cross her, for fear that she may not be kind to the next to earn her ire.

Quillima leads the Fey Courts of Summer, Winter and Twilight, with her chidren each having assumed leadership of a court, though they often leave to wander the realms as they will. Quillima herself is often unable to leave the Feywild unattended for any length of time and instead interacts with the outside world through her Warlocks and Witches, giving each a puppet of her own creation that allows her to educate them and channel more power as needed.   Quillima has earned a most unpleasant reputation among mortals as those who fail her or betray her are often made into Poppets and added to her collection. These Poppets are often gifted to her followers to advise them or teach them. If the follower they are given to completes their mission then the Poppet is realeased and allowed to resume their mortal form. Those who serve the Queen well are given a chance to accept a change into Fey or Fel and join one of the Courts under the Queen's command.


Quillima Duskborn the Nightmare Queen


Towards Nishilan Duskborn

Nishilan Duskborn


Towards Quillima Duskborn the Nightmare Queen

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Queen of Puppets
The Nightmare Queen
The Queen of the Fey
The Rotten Fey
The Lady of Rotten Strings
The Puppetmistress
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White Skin
130 lbs.
Ruled Locations

Articles under Quillima Duskborn the Nightmare Queen


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