The Graceful Gull

The Graceful Gull is a Pirate Vessel under the Command of Captain Galland Crisvin, an Archfey of the Summer Court. The ship is a vessel of typical Elven Design though it maintains a near perfect appearance due to the Archfey's Presence. Both Ship and Captain are easygoing and laid back, more focused on traveling with good friends than hoarding wealth and treasure. While the Gull may not have the arsenal of some other ships, they more than make up for it with their speed as they claim the title of fastest Vessel in the Archipelago.   The Gull is a calm spirit, tending to their crew and leisurley sailing through the Archipelago. The crew often picks up those who feel lost or trapped in their lives and gives them a place to belong.   Though, that is not to say the crew of the Graceful Gull are push overs. Each member of the crew can draw strength from their captain and this alone makes them dangerous, let alone that they may summon any object that is on board the vessel to their side in an instant.
Ship Class: Caravel
Captain: Celnos Crisvin
Crew Size: 40 Fully Crewed


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