Galland Crisvin

If I could take it back I would. I wouldn't have given what I did if I knew this to be my fate. I would have offered them instead if it meant I would not suffer like this...

Demon Lord Galland Elsriel Crisvin

Archfey of the Summer Court, Mentor to Quillima and Captain of the Graceful Gull. Galland Crisvin is a Fey of the Summer Court under the direction of Titania, though he rarely appears at Court, preffering to spend his time carefree in the mortal realms. He often takes Mortal's under his wing that he can sense are under constraint. He is a free spirit in the most literal sense, he cannot stand being bound or trapped and despises those who commit such acts upon others.   Galland himself is a capable combatant given his many years of sailing the Sunfire Archipelago. He is an experienced Pistolier and a duelist and as a navigator of dangerous waters, there is no better Captain.   He fell into a slump after the departure of Quillima but has since been reinvigorated since he recruited the young Imperial Noble Callastro Lamplier. The young man has proven a capable first mate and has taken to the Pirate's life with remarkable ease.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His Body was destroyed by its extended imprisonment in Cold Iron and overrun with Abyssal energies. The result has transformed him into something resembling a burning skeleton, though what appears to be flame is merely his life energy, unending as it is for a Fey he remains in pain as his very being is dissipated into the air around him constantly, now an avatar of selfish desire he seeks to reclaim his power to end the pain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Quillima and her friends arrived at the besieged City of Queen's Port, Galland was engaged in battle with imperial forces alongside several other Pirate Captains and Pirate Queen Yin Lian. He had suffered injury due to the Imperials employing Cold Iron Bullets to hinder him. Thanks to the quick intervention of his former lover, The One with No Face, and Quillima he was able to survive with only minor lingering injuries.   Following a brief stay in Queen's Port for his crew to repair their ship and recieve of the supplies that The Chaotic Seven brought, Galland set out towards the Darklands with his daughter's ship sailing alongside him. During these days of travel he spent much time with his granddaugther, The Fel Moonstone Dragon Jadyn Arterian, and reconciling matters with his estranged lover after her reckless defense of Queen's Port.   These days of travel were interupted by the arrival of Mazerath, the Demonic entity taking Galland, The One with No Face and Jadyn captive and forcing Quillima which of her parents she wished to keep and which he would take to force into his service. Quillima chose her Father to be taken and before he was fully pulled through a rift of Mazerath's making he spoke an incantation and delivered a single shot to The Faceless goddess' chest. The bullet left no injury but changed the goddess into a Fey-esque being, strengthing her at the cost of his own power.   Now thouroughly weakened and extremely stubborn, Galland was subjected to interogation on how he may retrieve his power. Galland refused to divulge the means if there were any and for his stubborness he was cast into an Iron Maiden formed of Cold Iron and left for days. As Cold Iron naturally reacts violently to extraplanar creatures the experience was destructive to Galland's body and mind. His will broken, Mazerath easily infected the now Fiendish creature and now awaits the chance to utilize his new creation.


Pansexual to the extreme.


Erin Duskborn

Lover (Vital)

Towards Galland Crisvin



Galland Crisvin


Towards Erin Duskborn



Divine Classification
Archfey, Formerly. Currently a Demon Lord in Service to Mazerath the Fallen
Neutral Evil
17,974 Years Old
Place of Death
The Abyss
Erin Duskborn (Lover)


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