The Moonlight Trio

We did not plan for this, nor did we ask for it. We made the most of an Opportunity and in the process we three have become friends. My children shall fear the night no longer. - Amelia the Night Mother

The Trio of Undead Goddesses, each associated with one of the Moons in the Night Sky.


The Moonlight Trio was the name given to the Three Goddesses that each came to be associated with one of the moons in the night sky over Almura.   Amelia is associated with the Red Moon, Minura, and her influence over the Material Plane is greatest when the Moon shines full in the night sky. Beneath the light of the Full Red Moon it is said that Vampires become nigh unstoppable.   Klexia Andronas is tied to the Blue Moon, Aquirien. Many Scholars and Alchemists will study by the light of the Blue Moon, in the hopes that it will aid them in their learning and the Blue Moon's phases are marked in most places of learning.   Messaria von Zarovich is tied to the smallest of the moons of Almura with Velani's association with Luck being attributed to Messaria as well. Thieves and Assassins wait until the light of pale moon shines upon them to commit their deeds under their patron's blessing.


The Moonlight Trio gained their association with the Lunar Bodies during the reconatruction following the World Unification. When the Gods were too weak to manifest their powers in major ways they relied on what they could to aid their followers. For Amelia this was at night when her followers, and by extension she, were at their strongest. Her followers began to associate the rising of the red moon with their Mistress' power.   For Klexia it was less of a direct association at first. The Moonhaven Academy became a symbol of Klexia's power and many of the less knowledgeable among her followers believed that she had some power associated with the Blue Moon, seen as benevolent where the Red Moon was a sign of Violence and the Gray Moon was quiet and unbotrusive. Over time this belief affected the Goddess herself and she did begin to draw power from the Blue Moon, if only slightly. As time wears on, and many still continue to believe this, Klexia's association with the Lunar Body only grows.   Messaeria's Lunar Association was much more straightforward, the Goddess was known to be Vampiric and a former Assassin and Thief who do much of their work by the light of the Moon. This led many to believe that when the Gray Moon hung in the sky they were at risk of invoking the Goddess' attention and thus did travelers and merchants begin to pray to Messaria on nights when the small Lunar Body rose in the Sky.   When all three of these Goddesses gained their Lunar association, some began to theorize that the three of them, each being Undead and associated with the Moons, were in league together. This was untrue but after several decades the three of them realized this belief was growing stronger among their followers and met with one another to discuss the matter.   The talks were productive and the trio established an agreement to coordinate their efforts and slightly circumvent the agreement of non intervention among the Gods. The Trio would embrace their Lunar Association and use it to provide slightly more power and occasional direct intervention to their followers, under cover of night and through the light of the moons so as to have deniability should the other Gods attempt to stop them.   While this was the base of the agreement, it has grown over time to encompass the three of them sharing temples on occasion and being worshipped as a trio rather than single entities. This is especially prominent within the Night Marshes of Ausen, where Klexia and Messaria's influence has grown as they have aided Amelia and her followers in defending themselves from the Rogue Magisters of Roseweald.


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