The Roost, Dragon District

The Main District of the City is the Dragon District. It is home to the majority of the cities people that are not Kobolds, Dwarves or Aaracokra. The District is a massive Cavern with a massive hole in the center that has numerous Elevators leading down to the Kobold Undercity. The District holds 8 layers that progressively go up the cavern with the upper 5 being for residents of the Roost and the lowest 3 being for shops and the City's Temple District. The Cavern is constantly being expanded with Dwarven Pillars supporting the mountain above.   In this District it is common to see Dragonborn, Humans and Halfling along with the less common races in the north.   The Grand market is the massive gathering site at the center of the cavern, a maze of stalls and semi permanent shops where the less common items of trade can be found, magical items, rare potions or items of unusual effects from across the planes. This is also one of the districts where Weavers may be found, the Spiderkin of the Bleakstone Mountains.   The first level up is home to the most renowned tavern in the Alliance, The Drunken Dragon, owned and operated by Silun Harken, a Gold Dragonborn of Dubious age.   The Temple can also be found in this district though they are up a few levels. There is a temple to Bahamut with a shrine to each beneath the statue of the Great Dragon God. A temple to Messaria and one to Duna flank it while beyond that there is a temple dedicated to Foros and Gelfar.   The key shops for Adventurers passing through the City are A's Alchemical Cauldron of Curiosites, Chillus' Magic Emporium


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