The Roost, Undercity

The Undercity is the home of nearly all of the Kobold Population of the Roost but most notable for adventurers and travelers is that it is also the district with the least official Supervision, with most of its guards being either volunteers or criminal elements.   The Undercity features several criminal leaders who operate the bulk of illegal elements in the district alongside a few "Legitimate" businesses.    The Crime bosses are Galven "The Kingpin" Torquen, A dwarf of rare cunning and a disregard for the usual Dwarven past times. He owns most of the Brothel's in the Undercity and while he pays well, but the ones he takes an interest in usually end up dead a few days later. But because of his overly complicated contracts he is doing nothing openly illegal so he is untouchable. His agents extort the other crime bosses for gold or other resources in exchange for not outing them to the guards.   Loren "The Dagger" Elquist, a wood Elf of few years but Dangerous reputation. He runs a shakedown business, using rare magical items that he has acquired to intimidate his marks.   Hadar the Brass Hand is a former mercenary human who now offers his services as a bruiser to those needing some muscle. He has a large hollowed out foundry that he has turned into a seedy tavern, the guards do not patrol near this area.   Vinny the Masque is an unknown, they leave a trail of bodies when they are displeased and never appear without a harlequin mask so even their face is unknown. The only person to have crossed blades with them and survived is the Paladin of Messaria, Anaya Clearspring.


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