Anaya Clearspring

I love you both so much! My hate is only leveled at your father for what he did, I could never hate you. I love you and I will support whatever you two decide to do! - Anaya Clearspring to her children, moments before crying

Lady Anaya Valerea Clearspring

Anaya is a High Elf Paladin of Messaria, The Pale Lady. She is known for her very dedicated devotion to Messaria and her skill in accomplishing whatever task is given to her by her goddess. She is also the only living Paladin of Messaria who has been able to manifest her Goddess' divine Weapon and due to this she has been given the title of The Pale Reaper. She stands among the head of Messaria's Paladins and is respected by those who follow the Pale Lady and Paladins of other orders.   She was originally a bard travelling the realm with a group of fellow Adventurers and they ventured forth on a mission to remove a group of bandits that had taken a village in the Northern Wastes hostage. When she and her allies arrived they found the village abandoned, the villagers and bandits dead at the hands of an orcish raiding party. They fought the Orc's but while her friends were killed she was taken prisoner as a "Trophy" and brought back to Grosh-Ka. She had been in Grosh-Ka for only a few weeks as a slave when the High Lord caught wind of her, a defiant High Elf with capabilities and power to her name. High Lord Lukrag took her as his personal Slave and treated her horrendeously, part of his view of strength will allow one to perservere through all. She was soon pregnant with his child and he hardly stopped his treatment of her, only letting up enough for her to survive until the child was born.   One of the Orcish Shamans who was in charge of keeping her alive realized that if the child was born as intended then it would kill both Mother and Child took pity on Anaya and wove a ritual channeling the power of Duna and split the childs being in two, offering a chance for survival. When the Children were born they were that of a young Half Elf/ Half Orc boy who was born larger and healthier and withered Tiefling girl. The children were born while Lukrag was away Raiding, and the Shaman helped Anaya to recover as best he could in the short time they had. A week after the children were born, in the dead of a blizzardy winter night the Shaman ushered her out and set her upon one of the Warg's in the Orcish stables. He gave her as much as he could for rations, that which he had been taking out of his own rations for months, and sent her off into the night.   She made her way across Grosh-Ka to the eastern Coast where the Warg crossed the stormy channel. By the time they reached the far shore their rations were dwindling and Anaya stopped eating to give the children the remainder of the rations. As the Warg bounded across the Tundra she withered under starvation and her weakened body. When they were a week from the Imperial Bastion of Northpoint she encountered an Orcish Raiding Party, the returning one led by Lukrag. Where they met she called upon the rage of her months of imprisonement and Abuse to give her strength, she killed the Orcs accompanying her tormentor with her magic but had to flee from Lukrag's relentless assault.   When she reached the Wall's of Northpoint she was refused entry for carrying with her an Orcish child. She cursed them as she left and continued on. Two months later she arrived at the Gates of the Roost. She was an Emaciated and starving woman with two children to care for and so she signed a contract with a shady individual in the Undercity in order to secure food for herself and her children. Thankfully her debt was purchased by a fairly well to do Dwarf, named Ungrim Ironbeard, who saw her potential adter hearing her tale. He allowed Anaya to stay at his residence for a few weeks before he suggested she pledge herself to Messaria, a goddess who cared for the Families of her Paladins. It took some prodding and convincing but she eventually did so and found herself reduced to tears by Messaria's embrace. As she performed more and more deeds for the Pale Lady she became a figure of Renown within the Roost, and those she helped gave her gifts. She recieved Armor crafted by the Runesmiths of the Dwarven Mines, the Kobold Craftsemen created for her a set of false teeth to replace those she lost during her imprisonment and the Aarocockra of the Spires gave her a cloak that allowed her to soar through the skies as they did. She once Aided the Great dragon Bahamut in a matter that has been kept private but it is known that she is one of only a handful of individuals to be allowed to ride upon his back. For her aid he gave her a Platinum Dagger crafted from his own scales.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her greatest battle was during a mounting Civil War within the Kingdom of the Roost. A group of rogue Imperials had settled into a small mountain town and were riling up the people there, attempting to start a rebellion against those within the Roost. Anaya was sent by Messaria to quell these warmongers and when she arrived she found that the Imperials were using the villages children as hostages to force any dissenters to comply. They had already killed several by the time she arrived. When she began fighting the Imperials and their dissenters her fury at the murder of children pushed her to channel the fury of Messaria, dredging up the forgotten aspect of the Pale Lady from the Purge War. Those who saw this described as a young woman with her face shrouded in shadow, the only feature visible was a deformed mouth stuck in permanent blood curdling laughter as she ripped the dissenters apart. When the enemies were dead, Anaya fell to the ground returned to normal though exhausted. It was this act that earned her the Title of the Pale Reaper, slaughtering 50 enemies with nary a scratch upon her person.   She now serves as an Icon of the Roost and one of its chief defenders. She and her new companion, the Tabaxi gentleman Dan Eld, have been the subject of a fair amount of Gossip, though none would slander the Elven Woman in public. She and her Children live within the Temple of Messaria, though they can often be found at or near The Drunken Dragon.   Following the Destruction of The Roost, Anaya was heavily injured from an encounter with Lukrag, The right side of her face was marred with a vicious wound. She traveled alongside the rest of the refugees, her children being the only source of comfort during the months long trip.   When they arrived at Dragon's Claim Keep she chose a more peaceful life, tending to the Temple of Messaria and looking after her children. When Garavos led an attack on the Keep she was fortunate enough to have spared her children but the rest of the priests were not nearly as lucky. She butchered them as she saw the forms of the Orcs who had violated her and Lukrag himself. It is this act that she feels was the final straw that shattered Messaria's power.   Following the events of that day, Anaya has poured her full effort into training. Some days she spars with Onvyr, while others she leaves the keep for days at a time to do battle with the Ogre Tribes in the surrounding mountains. After Messaria abandoned her Pacifist Ideals, she and Anaya have been seen sparring.

This High Elven Paladin will never be caught unprepared again.


By her own Volition, Anaya has interest in both men and women but currently she is waiting for Dan Eld to return to the keep. She understands that he was under a foul mood and hopes that he returns with a clear head.

Mental Trauma

She blames herself for Messaria's fall and seeks nothing more than to Slay High Lord Lukrag herself. She feels that if maybe she could kill him it might help the world return to some sense of normalcy.


Dan Eld


Towards Anaya Clearspring


Anaya Clearspring


Towards Dan Eld


Chaotic Good
Current Status
Raising Children and Acting Master of Religon within the Keep
Dan Eld (PArtner)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Chestnut brown
Long Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
105 lbs.
Ruled Locations


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