The Salty Princess

The Salty Princess is Pirate Queen Yin Lian's personal ship and the vessel that the Empire most desires among all of the ships within the Sunfire Archipelago. She is the largest ship ever constructed by the Empire, a vessel boasting 200 cannons and a crew of 1,500, she is a floating fortress and a symbol of power. When Yin-Lian stole her from the Imperial Dockyards her spirit awakened before they had even escaped from port, such was Yin's excitement. Together they sailed into the Sunfire Archipelago, finding crewmen along the way and making some enemies.   It was only a few years after they had met when they first crossed paths with the Shadow Tyrant. While Yin fought them God himself the Princess and her crew let loose a volley that nearly split the dark ship in half. Yin managed to survive, half dead and heavily injured but she survived nonetheless. The Princess grew very protective and possessive of her captain, especially after Yin's immortality became apparent. She is a boastful spirit, and a very greedy one, but she protects both her captain and crew and will not hesitate to attack any who threaten them. Her human form wields a pair of knives and a pistol that is, in truth, one of her cannons.
Ship Class: First Rate Imperial Ship of the Line
Captain: Yin Lian, Queen of the Pirates
Crew Size: 1500 Fully Crewed


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