Yin Lian, Queen of the Pirates (Y-in Lee-ann)

Yin Lian is the unofficial ruler of the Sunfire Archipelago and among the oldest Pirate Captains sailing the seas. She is a human woman of average height and athletic build and many who meet her are surprised at her attitude, she acts as if she is simply a carefree young woman, rather than the infamous and terrifying legend that they have heard of. She is never without her twin cutlasses and a set of pistols strapped to her coat.    Yin was once a normal human pirate, albeit an extremly skilled swordswoman. Where she learned her swordsmanship is a matter of debate, some claim she was an Imperial Solder while others claim she was trained by Vinalmo Efrezi, owing to her proficiency with her pistols, regardless of where she hails from she stole her ship, The Salty Princess from an Imperial Harbor and set sail across the Sunfire Archipelago, with a group of Imperial Warships determined to reclaim their Flagship following behind her. She was chased to the southern end of the Archipelago and it was here she had a chance meeting with destiny. The Imperial Fleet chasing her was attacked from the side by the Shadow Tyrant, the black hulled ship of the Dark Lands that carries a God of the same name. The Tyrant Obliterated the Imperials and trapped Yin Lian and her ship. She met the God aboard his ship and challenged him to a duel, the stakes being that were she to win both she and her ship would be released. The Tyrant, amused by this mortal challenging him readied his Axe. The two crossed blades and the duel lasted for 10 hours, by the end both were covered in scars and wounds but unwilling to concede defeat. As her final act before succumbing to Exhaustion Yin lashed out with all the energy she had left and caught the Shadow Tyrant across his jaw, slicing clean through both of his cheeks. The Pirate God fell to the deck clutching the wound, for none had ever left such a mark upon him. He admitted Defeat but layed a curse upon Yin Lian, cursing her to live until the day came that he defeated her in single combat, and as a vindictive measure tying her immortality to a curse of Rot Bite, forcing any food or drink she consumed to taste of ash and bile. His crew threw Yin back onto the deck of her ship and set her adrift. When she next awoke she found a young woman tending to her in the captain's quarters, whether due to her refusal to give up the ship or its exposure to the Shadow Tyrant, the Ship's spirit had awoken and had cared for her Captain. Thus the two of them set out and have never looked back.    Yin has sailed the seas for 480 years since that duel with the Shadow Tyrant and over that time she has helped the Archipelago to progress more than it ever did during the purge War. She Founded Queen's Port, once a shanty town but now a proper city within the Archipelago, and established the Free Men's court. The Court is a collection of the most renowned pirates from across the Sunfire, and all answer to Yin Lian in some form. They will aid eachother to repel invaders and any who wish to enter Queen's Port must pay a tithe to the Queen. Any who attack the city are hunted down by Yin herself, and none have dared that for many a year. Her skills have only grown over the years and now she is a one woman army when angered, she can singlehandedly clear the deck of a Galleon and she has crossed blades with the likes of Emperor Autrion and the Imperial Fleetmaster on occasion. She and her crew slew an Ancient Dragon Turtle that attacked Queen's Port and its shell now acts a bulwark for the port. She and the Shadow Tyrant have crossed blades several times over the years with the conflict taking on more of a rivalry between the two, though the Tyrant is unwelcome in the Sunfire because of his slaving and butchering of those he captures.    Yin has taken to enjoying her time by training her crew or reinforcing the defenses of Queen's Port, from imperial invasion or otherwise. She and her crew can also often be found at the Efrezi Vineyard in Moromel. Yin and the Elven Duke seem to get along well and given Yin's lack of taste in wine due to her curse many rumors have formed surrounding the pair of them.


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