
The Capital City of the Imperium and the home of the Imperial Palace, Visturan is the beating heart of the Kothan Imperium. Over Two Thousand years of history cover the city, and there are layers upon layers of the city. One can see the layers of the city with each section of walls expanding outward from the Palace.   The area around the palace is kept orderly and under constant guard. Imperial Legionaires are assigned here only after extreme screening and tests performed by the Spymasters retainers. To be assigned here is a sign of great honor among Imperials. Anyone assigned to the Palace Grounds is treated with the utmost respect.   Beyond the Palace Grounds lie the residential section of the city for the Nobility. The Council of Masters and their families live here alongside other notable members of Imperial Nobility mainly comprised of Generals, Wealthy Merchants and other exceptional individuals. This section of the city, while not officially seperated from the rest of the districts is treated as off limits for the poorer residents of the City. Guards patrol here in heavier numbers. It is within the Noble District that the temples to the Various Gods lie, spread out across the districts.   Bordering on one edge of the Noble District lies the Academy district, where sits the College of War and The Imperial College of War Magic. The College of War follows the Hobgoblin rules of strict discipline and adherence to orders and Every Imperial Citizen will enter this building at least once in their lives. The College of War Magic is an academy for the Magically gifted within the Imperium and focuses on the applications of Magic on the Battlefield.   In the section past this lies the Mercantile District. This is where the River Katam runs through the city and there is a large artificial lake that has been carved out to make a decent sized river port that connects to Atalanta. Ships come and go laden with goods from the coastal city and the district is awake at all hours of the day and night, becoming only marginally queiter after nightfall. Taverns, host a constant supply of sailors and other travelers, most employing there own security to keep rowdy customers in check. The rest of the District is filled with all manner of shops. A large section of the shops are owned by the Imperial Goblins who have formed a merchants guild of their own within the district. Most shop owners here live within their place of business though some traveling merchants are forced to rent rooms at inns or from others, as they are not permitted to stay within their wagons or carriages by Imperial Legal Code.   Beyond the Mercantile District lies the Labor District, the forges of the Imperial War Machine and the site of the Giants homes. Here smiths create the weapons used by the Imperium and all the supplies to maintain the Imperium's extensive holdings. Part of this District is a massive Open Pit Mine created by the Imperial God Quinn, a massive meteorite was brought down and created a Crater filled to the brim with metals. In the 2000 or so years since its creation it is estimated only 5% of the material within the mine has been recovered. But the mine is worked by men and Giants, primarily Hill Giants who have had their place in the order of the world restored. These Hill Giants act as a means to break out the massive deposits which human workers can break down. The Raw Material is then taken to the Forges which are run by Fire Giants and Stone Giants. Fire Giants lead the forging of Weapons and Armor while Stone Giants create more everyday objects. It is also here within the unused sections of the Mines that the Gnomish Airships of Moledar can come to dock.   At the edges of the City Proper lie the vast fields and Orchards of the Agriculture District. Here druids weave magics to keep the weather seasonal for all kinds of plants, allowing Vistruran to have varied crops year round. There are many druids who view this as heretical to hold pieces of the world permanently in one season but the druids of the Imperium follow their own rules. Here the poorest denizens of the city dwell, still in enough comfort and safety but comparably much worse conditions.   The edge of the Agriculture District sees the Walls of Visturan standing tall and proud always guarded and patrolled. The Walls are enchanted to repair themselves, making them able to stand against the elements and the wear of time almost indefinitley.
Population of Visturan: ~11,925 People Population of Noble District: ~800 People depending on season Population of Market District: ~3000 People on average depending on trading season Population of Labor District: ~1500 People Population of Agriculture District: ~5000 People Population of the Academy District: ~1000 Students with an additional 125 Staff
Characters in Location


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