Autrion Haman

She calls me a monster, even after she stabbed me in the back following father's death. I refuse to allow her lies to hold sway, and I will see her kind eliminated from the face of the World.

Emperor Autrion Orion Haman, The Cruel (a.k.a. The Dragonslayer)

Emperor Autrion is a man ruled by Cold Hatred and Discipline. He rules from his palace in the Imperial City of Visturan, where he and his council of advisors oversee the Imperial Domain. He rules through strength and desires to unite the world under his rule in order to bring about peace through Order. He views his Adoptive sister, Saalima as a threat to this goal and views all of Dragon-kind as monsters to be slain.   Autrion was born to his mother and Father at the end of the Purge War. His father was the Champion of Kothan, The Unbreakable Lord and he fought in the battle of Marwood Pass. Here he felled the Champion of Malgeron and maimed the Demon Lord Baphomet. When the Gods created the Gold Concord Sumin was named Emperor of the small City he had helped to found in Kothan's name. Kothan watched the Emperor and realized that it was he who was holding the Imperium together. He blessed Sumin and his bloodline with a gift of extended life enabling the Emperor to live far beyond the years of a normal man, though he would still succumb to time eventually. Over the years of his life Emperor Sumin turned the small city into a great Bastion of commerce and life. It is his works that have kept the city intact in the centuries since his passing. But Autrion grew into a fine young Prince under his Father's Guidance. When his father returned from slaying a dangerous Blue Dragon that had been terrorizing the countryside with a Dragon egg he told his son that the hatchling would be raised as a royal alongside him. Autrion and the hatchling grew close over time, she was given a necklace by the mages of the Imperial College that gave her a humanoid form. When she was still a child she was given the name Saalima and crowned as a princess of the Imperium. She was taught alongside her brother and grew into a bright young woman. During her younger years she almost completley rejected her Draconic heritage, living and learning as a human. When Autrion began training in combat Saalima took the Druidic arts.

Divine Domains


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Autrion's form has mutated over his unnatuarlly extended lifespan, with his body increasing in size, growing abnormally strong and durable and his mind ever more vicious. He stands as the tallest example of "Human" and his body is dense enough to allow him to pin an Ancient Dragon under his weight. His power is monstrous enough that even the Giants who serve under him fear his strength.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Autrion aided his father on conquest after conquest and when the Emperor's body began to decline Autrion took his place leading the soldiers of the Imperium. He became the greatest warrior of the Imperium. When he conquered a new land Saalima arrived with druids in tow to heal the land and care for its people under the new rule of law. They convinced the Duke and duchess of Gravehollow to join their Imperium just before they recieved news that their father's health was declining. Saalima flew back to the capital in her draconic form while Autrion rode his steed back with all haste. He returned to the capital to find his sister in command of the druids. She had been named Archdruid and she had cared for their father while his health waned in his old age. Autrion and Saalima cared for their father as he lay upon his death bed. His mind was failing as he gave mixed commands. In one he named Saalima as his successor and in another Autrion.   During Sumin's funeral there were whispers of who would succeed him but the siblings refused to acknowledge anything until they had grieved. After a month of grieving the siblings had a dilemma of who would rule in their Father's stead. They debated and it turned into arguing which became more and more heated. Autrion began tossing accusations of he was Sumin's son and it was his by right as she was only adopted into the family. When she began to retort he broke the charm around her neck causing her to revert to her true draconic form. Her change in size caused damage to the palace and injured some of the advisors in attendance. Autrion began to accuse her of attacking advisors and attacked. Saalima countered by conjuring a storm and blasting apart the roof of the palace. The Bolt she called down ruined Autrion's sword arm and divided the floor. She asked those present if they would follow someone who resorted to such tricks. It was here the battle lines were drawn. The kingdoms that had been conquered by the empire stood with Saalima and those who had been founded by the Empire stood with Autrion. As she flew from the Palace announcing the War Autrion was said to have stood, severed his ruined his arm and to have declared all Dragons enemies of The Empire. While the preperations for war were made Autrion, with a new arm forged from steel, hunted down the Dragons that had come to live within the Imperium. As th eGold Dragons had felt Sumin was a true monarch nearly all of their kind had nested within the mountains nearest the Capital. Autrion butchered them all taking from each their crown scale,  a scale that rested upon the center of their brow that each dragon has only one of, and fashioned from them a crown. His slaughter of the Dragons brought ther old foes, the giants, out of exile and they swore to join with Autrion's forces.   After a long bloody Civil War the Empire and the newly founded Alliance established a tentative peace, held in place by the Goddess Messaria and her champions. To this day Autrion hungers for Saalima's blood, many believing his mind had been poisoned by grief and pride, and he continues to hunt dragons that venture to close to Imperial Lands. He will often disappear from the Palace for weeks before returning to the gates of the city with the corpse of a Dragon. Many speculate his slaughter of such magical beasts has given him true immortality. But for now he seeks to conquer the Sunfire Archipelago, as well as to take advantage of the Orcish Invasion of the Alliance.


Saalima Khan

Adoptive Sister

Towards Autrion Haman


Autrion Haman

Adoptive Brother

Towards Saalima Khan


Saalima Khan

Adoptive Sister

Towards Autrion Haman


Autrion Haman

Adoptive Brother

Towards Saalima Khan


Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Current Status
To Conquer the Alliance and Slay Saalima Khan
Current Location
Saalima Khan (Adoptive Sister)
Saalima Khan (Adoptive Sister)
Current Residence
The Imperial Palace
Short Dusty Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2798 lbs.
Kothan, The Unbreakable Lord


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