Zeta Ashdew

I knew so many things when I realized I was thinking for myself. I knew how to read, how to fight, how to pick locks and move unseen. But I didn't have any memories. It was all just... there. With no context.

The Lost Angel, Zeta Alaria Ashdew (a.k.a. Z2)

The Celestial Doppelganger of Dragonholme's own Zefer Ashdew. While technically a member of the Second Celestial Host of Zefer Ashdew, she is often absent from Celestia itself and one of the few angels permitted to walk the Material Plane without a stated Goal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zeta was created by Zefer Ashdew to aid in the battle against Autrion Haman, during which Zefer gave her Celestial Nectar to attempt to aid her. When Zeta drank the Nectar it caused true life to take hold within her, binding her to the Celestial Realms and awakening true intelligence. Upon their return to Dragonholme she took several days to think about what she had become. She aided Zefer in battles to come, including the Final Battle against Mazerath.   Following that battle Zeta struck out on her own and began wandering the world following the Unification. She found herself lending aid to those who had borne the brunt of the devastation in the wild reaches and she was always ready for a fight against monsters or bandits. In time her wanderings became almost a habit, a lone woman wandering the wilds and slaying any evil that crossed her path. She did not hear of this until later and she was utterly confused by the notion that people saw her as a Hero. To her own eyes she was just aimlessly wandering the world looking for adventure.   As the centuries have worn on she has wandered far afield indeed, from the southern reaches of Old Golarion, to the northern Wastes of the Giant's territory and even along the Continent of Tian Xia. If called to battle by Zefer she will answer but she often chooses to remain apart, feeling that the other Angels of Celestia see her as a monster, a false imitation of one of their greatest warriors.
Divine Classification
Demi Archangel
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lost Angel
The Heroic Traveler|
The Lady of Steel
Winged Hope
Year of Birth
2083 EP 691 Years old
Messy Brown


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