Ziel Viendal, Goddess of Law (Zee-el Vin-doll)

Some Question my impartiality. Some believe I am a Devil sent to hand Casmodus the Keys to Axis. Let me be perfectly clear. Any who defy the Law and attack my City will face my full Wrath, and I have Plenty to share.

Goddess of Law Ziel Gracelyn Viendal (a.k.a. The Blackwall)

Ziel Viendal, formerly an adventurer in the Old World, is now the Goddess of Law who rules over the Divine City of Axis after the death of Abadar. She is Law made manifest and she distrubutes punishment as needed by the Laws of Axis. She is a frequent Divine Patron of Cities and houses of Law.   She is wed to Messaria von Zarovich The Goddess of Chaos and many believe this hampers her judgement, depsite Ziel having repeatedly punished her Wife for transgressions.

Divine Domains

Ziel commands the Divine Domains of Cities, Wealth, Fire, Metal, Confidence, Duty and Might.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ziel is a rather humble Deity, often appearing as little more than an exceptionally tall armored Tiefling. She retains her traditional Black Armor from her time as an Adventurer and is overall quite friendly to mortals and other Deities alike. She is one of the chief enforcers for the seperation of Gods and Mortals, having imprisoned or more directly punished several gods for their direct intervention in events unfolding on the Mortal Planes.

She bears scars from her time as Bane Tyranus but carries on with her duties, few besides her Wife have seen the extent to which her body was harmed by her time spent as Bane with Pharasma and Klexia and Andronas being among the few of Axis' Gods to have seen beneath her armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Ziel was merely an Adventurer with minor divine power in the Old World she cared little for the world beyond her immediate concerns. When her friends were lost to her and she found herself without any of the comforts she had cherished her heart turned Black and Hard and the God of Tyrants, Bane Tyranus, was born. As Bane she overthrew the Archdevil Dispater and Claimed the Infernal Realm of Dis as her realm, and it was here she spent much of the subsequent Millenia during the Purge War.

Following her time as The God of Tyrants, Ziel was one of the few with the power to succeed the dead God Abadar, who had fallen clashing with Rovagug. She claimed his throne and Rulership of the Realm of Aktun, and by extension all of the Planar Realm of Axis. She has since become accustomed to her duties as the Goddess of Law, despite her Wife's repeated attempts to encourage her to abandon her duty. Many theorize that Ziel views the Position as a form of Atonement for the atrocities she commited as Bane.

Gender Identity

Ziel is nearly always seen as a Large Muscualr Tiefling Woman in Full Plate Armor but when her rage is sparked her form can visibly be seen struggling to maintain itself, as her form rapidly shifts between that of her normal self and that of Bane Tyranus.


Ziel has stated to numerous scholars who have pestered her with questions of her life that she has only ever had eyes for two people, those being the Druid Azerian and her Wife, Messaria von Zarovich.


Ziel Viendal, Goddess of Law


Towards Messaria, Goddess of Freedom


Messaria, Goddess of Freedom


Towards Ziel Viendal, Goddess of Law


Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Queen of Axis
The Lady of Law
The Blackhearted Tyrant
The Judge of the Living
The Lady of the First Vault
The Queen of Aktun
The Blackwall
The Daughter of Bane Tyranus
Shoulder Length Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Purple or Red
320 lbs.
Ruled Locations


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