Dha’rio Lamachett

Dha'rio Lamachett

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dha'rio is of average physical condition.

Facial Features

His face is sharp but sturdy. He has has a sharp mustache and no beard.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a light brown vest and a white shirt underneath. He also has a set of baggy pants.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized with jewelers kit and scimitars.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dha’rio's comes from a long bloodline of jewelers. His childhood was mostly spent helping his parents make jewelry and cut gems. The profession was never one Dha’rio liked, but he was fond of spending time with his parents and grandparents so he did it anyway. When he was 10 his sister Jacelyn Lamachett was born and he was extremely happy. He started spending much more time with her than with his parents. Over the years the two bonded and became an inseparable duo. In A4 642 his parents were caught by guards when they tried to sell fake gems to a merchant prince. Because of this slight, their family was given a choice of execution or exile. Dha’rio's parents who were old and tired accepted their punishment and chose death, but Dha’rio couldn't let this happen to him or his sister so he took her and left for Tyrania.


Dha'rio works as the economic overseer and backup leader of Brinehold.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was ambushed by the Hoard of Boulders on his way to Evlora and almost lost his sister and his riches. He blames himself for this event.

Mental Trauma

His parents were executed for their crimes of faking jewelry and his sister was almost misused and captured by orcs and ogres.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes jewelry, his family and gems.   Dislikes ogres, orcs and the Broodmore family.


Family Ties

He only has his sister Jacelyn left in his family and cares for her more than anything else.


Clarinda Lamachett


Towards Dha’rio Lamachett

Dha’rio Lamachett


Towards Clarinda Lamachett

Wealth & Financial state

He used to be quite wealthy but most of his wealth is gone and the little he has left will not last for a long time.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
614 39 Years old
Current Residence
Short and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caramel Tan
176 centimeters
64 kilo
Known Languages
Daharian and some common.


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