Alei Vida

Early Life

Alei Vida was born in a small Doron village on the edge of the Inuna basin, on the first day of the Davierza, a sign of good luck. Alei’s father was a soldier, and her mother was a fisher. When Alei was 6, her father was slain by The Dorak in a border dispute. Alei and her mother decided to move north to Culpira, seeking a new life and to cope with the grief of losing her father. On the journey to Culpira, Alei’s mother got sick, and she succumbed to the sickness on the day they arrived in Culpira, leaving Alei orphaned.  


Alei did what she needed to survive- she turned to cutting purses and begging, relying on the sparse social services of Culpira. She fostered an intense hatred of this city and nation that turned its back on those in need. As she matured, she got smarter about her thievery- she worked together with other urchins to perform cons, and even broke into some upperclass houses.  


While she was robbing one such house, she overheard a conversation- a Doron captain talking of a new mountain pass they found, that would allow an army into Pastoralis. Knowing the value of that information, Alei began a journey south- she would warn The Dorak, the army that killed her father, of the coming invasion. She collected a hefty purse for the information, and the Dorak supplied her with spying Arcurios. She continued to break into Doron officer’s homes, stealing letters and listening in on conversations.
Age: 23
Faith: Al Kuliya
Birthplace: Doro
Pronouns: She/Her


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