The Dorak

The Dorak are Pastoralis' exalted fighting force- they excel at guerilla warfare in the Guardiana Mountains, utilizing their yak mounts to take routes that should otherwise be impossible.  


The power of the Dorak lies entirely on the versatility of their yaks. The yaks are incredible pack animals, are able to climb the steep Guardiana Mountains with soldiers in tow, and are capable of cavalry charges, unlike Escale. The yaks aren't as effective in combat as horses, but are formidable nonetheless.   This strength faulters outside of their home terrain, which is why the border between Pastoralis and Doro, hasn’t shifted past the mountains. On flat plains, the Doron soldiers are able to see them coming, and prepare a shield wall to easily stop the charging yaks. Furthermore, outside of the cold climate of the mountains, the yaks are susceptible to heatstroke.  


Dorak warriors are trained with lances and swords. They don’t carry shields, as the added weight limits their yak’s mobility and endurance, and they generally strike before the enemy get’s a chance to loose arrows. The Dorak warriors and their yaks both wear chainmail armor, and the riders often wear thick coats over their armor to keep warm.


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