Bertrand Tainorè

Bertrand Tainorè is what the Kuliyans or Kaddites would call a Sidanes. He is a Saenian sailor who travels the oceans of Tel Rialis searching for the "Heart of the Ocean." Many believe the tales he tells of it are too tall to be true. But he sails on regardless. Searching for an end to his quest.

Bertrand is well liked throughout the many communities he visits selling his treasure and antiques he collects on his adventures. He captains a small ship with an ever changing crew. His significant other is usually his first mate, given he has one at the time. Bertrand cycles through marriages quite often, usually giving all of his attention to someone, marrying them and devoting himself back to his work and journeying the world. Ultimately ending in him travelling the world alone as his partner leaves him.


Early Life

Bertrand was born at sea. He was born to Laura aboard the Tainorè. He grew up watching strong figures conquer the sea, travelling not where the ocean pushed them but anywhere they desired. Many of his crew members growing up believed that civilization was a curse upon the world that harvested the land and brought destruction to our world. He grew to believe in self-sufficiency but did not want to act as callous as the ocean and force people on a path he desired.

When he came of age, around 20 years old, he sailed with a group of other soon-to-be adults aboard the Corazón. Their journey progressed without much difficulty and within 2 weeks they arrived at the beauty that rests on the site of old Saeno. The original home of the Saenians, lost to the sea. As a whale breached next to the Corazón, and the bioluminescence was visible below Bertrand made a vow, that he would stay forever at sea, spending his life free spirited and enjoying the gifts of the world.



Life at sea can be very difficult, many struggle to survive a single voyage much less make a living sailing for their lives. Bertrand travels where the winds take him, trading with ships and cities. Or as he would say, "Giving these beautiful objects new stories from new lives."

Not all of his dealings always go perfectly. Sometimes a customer may have been unimpressed with their deal upon further inspection and Bertrand will have to get a new boat after his mysteriously sinks. But all is water under the bridge. As long as he can talk he can shop. Often his talking will lead to him marrying a new romantic interest who within the month also gets upset to the point that he has to buy a new ship again. But through all tribulations Bertrand lands on his feet and starts again.

As he got older he smartened up a bit and started making fewer risky decisions. At least on the business side of his life. Having saved up enough money he needed a reason to keep sailing, to keep travelling and interacting with the denizens of the world. That was when he began his search for the "Heart of the Ocean." Many ask him what it means or what is there. His stories are always different depending on how drunk he is. None have been able to get a clear answer from him for where he first heard the tale of this place. Bertrand simply leaves each place he visits a few days later to continue his search.


Family Life

Bertrand has never fully settled down, continually choosing his personal life over a life with a family. He has been married a total of 12 times and has had several children with many different partners. Listed are his partners and the length of their marriage.

  • Celia Taera - 2 Months
  • Delucia Karal - 5 Months
  • Peter Helucia - 6 Weeks
  • Conrad Wither - 9 Months
  • Caroline Hesta - 3 Months
  • Zeline Orina - 13 Months
  • Grace Jarrin - 4 Months
  • Ethan Loran - 6 Days
  • Uriel Helucia - 9 Weeks
  • Laurel Hevan  - 3 Hours
  • Tristan Pelagos - 18 Months
  • Melidina Duval - 4 Years

Throughout his 12 marriages (and outside of them) Bertrand has had 9 children. He has 16 grandchildren. One of note is the chronicler Justinian Tainorè. Justinian's father continues on the tradition of their name and so Justinian does as well, serving the sea and telling the stories of the world, much like his grandfather Bertrand.

by Midjourney AI
Current Residence
The Oceans of Tel Rialis


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