Cirino Alamilla

Cirino Alamilla is a 21 year old Artifcier’s Apprentice working in the upper caves of Tronadora. His public reputation is that of a trustworthy craftsman, but in the shadows, he’s a cunning and secretive man who has no qualms accepting shady deals for extra pocket change.  

Early Life

Cirino comes from a long line of artisan workers. His father was a leatherworker while his mother was a bladesmith. He spent most of his upbringing in a small town in Bayt Alma. His family was lower middle class, so he had a comfortable but not entirely secure childhood. He didn’t always see eye to eye with his parents and was a rebellious teenager. Although he was raised Al Kuliyan, he was never particularly devout and often found excuses to skip weekly prayer. While he appreciated his parents' crafts, he wanted to do something different from them. At age 17, he ran away from home to seek an apprenticeship in artificing.  


Cirino went to Tronadora in search of someone who would accept him as an artificier's apprentice. He had very little luck at the start, but was eventually accepted by a shady man in the city’s upper caves. While he had very little experience in understanding glyphs or the materials used in creating runes, his background from working in his parents’ workshops at least gave him a basic understanding of how to engrave objects.   Cirino’s mentour’s workshop accepted a variety of customers. Jobs ranged from jewelry commissions from upper city aristocrats, to sketchy under the table deals for gangs in the pits. Cirino was often handed some of these shadier dealings, especially ones involving experimental materials. His mentor’s justification was that Cirino’s inexperience with artificing supplies could be used as an excuse if they ever got found out. However, Cirino actually had no issue with taking these kinds of jobs. In some regards, the thrill of the illegality of excited his rebellious side. He’s done favors for some of the most notorious criminals in the lower caverns, which has gained him many allies, as well as a few enemies.   He’s recently reached a skill level in artificing that’s gained him respect within Tronadora’s magic community. In addition to his usual shady dealings, he currently works on a lot of special effects and props for the upper cavern's entertainment district. He hopes to start his own workshop someday, but doesn’t quite have the money for it yet.






Al Kuliya  


Bayt Alma  


Artificier's Apprentice


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