D'Aturan Shepherd

The D'Aturan Sheperd is a centuries-old dog breed originally bred in the Briareos  region of Tel Rialis. They originated as herding dogs for sheep and goats located in the mountains of Briareos, but have spread throughout Tel Rialis in the past several centuries and have become a popular breed for both farmers as working dogs, and for families as loving pets.  

Physical Appearance


D’Aturan Shepherds are typically considered medium-sized dogs, with most being just above the average person’s knee when sitting down. Their slender, long legs allow them to move swiftly and precisely while doing their herding duties and their lengthy tails help them stay balanced when traveling at high speeds.  


The D’Aturan Shepherd possesses a long, heavy coat to keep the dog warm in colder mountain climates. During the spring and summer seasons, they shed their winter coat to allow for a lighter coat during the warmer months. If not maintained, their fur may mat or knot, especially for dogs working around farms. Although there is no set standard for the breed’s coat color, most vary from a light tawny color with dark points, to fully black. However, it’s not uncommon to see brown, white, spotted and even tri-color variations of the D’Aturan Shepherd.  


Due to their nature as working dogs, D’Aturan Shepherds are incredibly active and require physical exercise on a daily basis. They are notably playful and friendly, which makes them great companions. However, their often hyperactive nature requires an owner who can keep up with the dog’s need for stimulation.   These dogs are also considered to be quite intelligent, making them easy to train and socialize in most situations. All D'Aturan Shepherds are born with herding instincts and easily pick up on herding animals such as sheep, goats, and cattle with little to no training.  

Myths & Stories

The D’Aturan Shepherd is most often associated with Perone, the Kaddite  God of Bounty and Famine, who many say that all D’Aturan Shepherds descend from. Perone is most notably worshiped in the kingdom of Briareos, where the D’Aturan Shepherd is known to originate from. It’s common to see farming equipment such as trellises, fences, and wooden tools having some form of depiction of Perone on them as a way for farmers to wish for good fortune in their harvests and agricultural endeavors.   Since all D’Aturan Shepherds are considered descendants of Perone, they are highly regarded and admired by the farmers they work alongside. It is considered a great respect to Perone to raise and train D’Aturan Shepherds to work alongside farmers, and many people believe that Perone will look over a farm more favorably if it houses a well-loved D’Aturan Shepherd.


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