

  The primary symbol of Briareos is the D’Aturan Shepherd, in relation to the Kada god they focus their worship upon. Their flag is indigo with a gray D’Aturan Shepherd head outline.    


  Briareos is known for its hilly, rough terrain and incredibly wet and foggy climate. The region is isolated from the rest of Tel Rialis by the D’Aturan Spine, explaining its cultural differences from the rest of the Kadite regions. Briareos’ climate lends itself to shepherding and terrace farming. Izavel Root, used to make magical Izavel Ink, can be effectively cultivated nearly everywhere in the region. Gemstone veins are scattered throughout the surrounding mountains, especially the northern reaches. The coasts of the region are craggy or give way to sudden cliffs, and are frequently hammered by tall waves. Cridala Cove, a natural harbor home to a city of the same name, is one of a few notable exceptions.  


  Many generations ago, Briareos was a larger territory occupying the western end of Tel Rialis—using the native people’s knowledge of the magical Izavel Root, these early Briareosi settlers exercised a great deal of power on the surrounding regions. This growth came to a halt when overharvesting of the root came to a head, shrinking its natural habitat, at the same time the eastern territory of Pastoralis and the northern territory of Doro began to push back with great force. All but what is now modern Briareos was conquered, the conflict was only stopped by the natural defenses created by the D’Aturan Spine. Eventually, Doro became a greater threat to Pastoralis than Briareos. Ending their side of the conflict, the remaining people of Briareos established favorable trading conditions with Doro. Despite having the disadvantage, this trade with Doro—combined with the Saeno trade and near impenetrable natural defenses—allowed Briareos to flourish once again, albeit under much more modest and tenuous circumstances. This relative prosperity is the source of Briareos’s architecture and aqueduct systems, its mining industry, and its optimized, environmentally-friendly method of farming Izavel Root. Briareos’s trading terms with Doro have gradually become more balanced with time, and the relationship between them has improved. Some recently elected officials of Cridala Cove have been expediting this process and pushing for more than mere equality, irritating Doran leadership, merchants, and even many Briareosi rural folk. These new officials are focusing on isolationist policies and attempting localizing power to the capital despite the negative effects it may have on the people of Briareos.    

Administrative Division

  Due to the mountainous terrain, communication amongst cities, towns, and villages is difficult, the aqueduct makes it a bit easier to send information up and down rivers, and horses take the information the rest of the way. Some smaller settlements aren’t as connected due to being hard to reach by horseback. As a result, each settlement often defers to a local council for disputes, criminal charges, and policies. However, all settlements have a common law that the charges are shared amongst the offender’s family; the whole unit is responsible for paying reparations when the offender cannot. In the larger settlements, cities are broken up into districts that elect their representatives annually.   Priests filter through the children of Briareos and a select few are chosen to live in the church dormitories where they will be raised by the church. It is considered an incredible honor. When the children grow into adults they will either become priests or will become members of the local council. The ones chosen for the council are divined through 3 tests that prove their skills in cultivation, herding, and magic. Specifically, they’ll have to grow Izavel Root in an inhospitable environment. Then using the shepherd they’ve bonded and trained with they must herd the Davide from the countryside. Finally, they will have to prove their worth by activating a magical relic of the church.    


  Briareos is the least populated region of Tel Rialis, with 11,250 people in total. Sheep outnumber humans. The majority of people in the region live in the capital city of Cridala Cove with a population of 4,500; the remaining people live in one of two smaller port towns of 1,800 people, in hamlets and farming communities dotted through the region, or among independent families between the larger settlements. Though the permanent population is mostly Kaddite, making up 85% of it, Kuliyans and Saeno are tolerated, even welcomed, especially in the port towns. Kuliyans and Saeno comprise ten and five percent of Briareos’s population, respectively. Kuliyans are almost entirely concentrated in one of Briareos’s three major settlements, whereas Saeno may also be spotted among the less hospitable coasts as farmer-fishermen.  

Art and Culture/Media/Sports


Harvest festival

  Every year a week-long celebration happens. The Briareosi feast, drink and decorate celebrating a great harvest after the prime growing season.  

Aquaduckt Races

  Turtle Ducks are used as a sort of mail system. They’re used to transport messages up and down the aqueduct system. The Aquaduckt races are highly anticipated races that are held twice a year and gather massive crowds. The turtle ducks race to carry messages to the highest point in Briareos and then bring the received message to the lowest point in Briareous. The turtle duck with the best time wins.   The mountains are rumored to have ghosts and wandering spirits that protect the people of Briareos. There are also legends of tiny men who live in holes, they are called the Annites. There is also a group of blond giants, simpletons known for their love of grass, they are called the Davide. The D'Aturan Shepherds are bred and trained by the priests and then distributed to farmers. It is said that the D’Aturan Shepard is created from Perone, the god of bounty and famine. Legend says that they come from hairs shed directly from Perone. Having a great number of D’Aturan Shepherds working your land is a sign that you’re well off. Farmers who have more of them are considered wealthy and powerful. Since it's the church that trains and distributes them the more Shepherds you have the more likely it is that you have a close connection with the church.  


  Their most prominent export is the Izavel Plant which is a reddish purple color, possesses magical properties, and can only survive in that region. The main livestock of Briareos consists of sheep and mountain goats which produce wool, cashmere, dairy, and meat products. Rare crystals can be found in the mountains they don't have special magical properties but they are sought after for their beauty. Izavel wool is a sought-after commodity of Briareos for its warm, protective, water-repellent qualities Cridala Cove is the capital of Briareos and holds the highest number of crystal mines in the world.


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