Daiman Draeiman

Daiman Draeiman is a mathematician hired by the current ruling Doro King, Loba Jean-Jasquce     

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Draeiman was born into the mountain nobility of Doro, receiving excellent tutorship in math from his future rival Juan Phillip. At the age of 14 he was sent to the prestigious demolition monastery to complete his education, where he excelled. At 20 he left the monastery to accept his first math challenge. He would that challenge, and gain attention as a promising talent. Following this he formed an advisory contract with the mayor in Port Lien, and earned a reputation as a reliable, scholar. In 725, at 25 he would track down and challenge his old teacher, whom had migrated to Paestoralis, and started working in the court. Draeiman was so enraged he challenged him to a math duel. He would lose the duel, but his loyalty to the kingdom of Doro, in the act led him to be appointed to head scholarly advisor to the king.     He would sent his old teacher 10 challenges all revolving around 3d geometry, and its effects on the form of magic.


Was taught by the mathematician Juan Phillip, for most of his young life, and then educated at the Demolition monastery.


Math advisor to the mayor of port lien, and to the king later.



Daimen can not hold a conversation about anything other than his love of math, Doro, and explosions. He was, for this reason, said to be the greatest citizen of Doro, by the king once.

Hobbies & Pets

Daimen is known to keep a small monkey he got as a gift from the Briareos merchant, Lucas Valria.
Current Location
Date of Birth
light blue
Aligned Organization


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