
The Kingdom of Doro

  Doro is an Al Kuliyan kingdom situated in the northwestern corner of Tel Relais. It is the largest Al Kuliyan kingdom territory-wise, and also the first to form in the peninsula. It is known as the black & boom city for its love of all things gunpowder and explosives. The country is not to be confused with the country's main church.  


    One of the main symbols for Doro is the sign of the kings and the conman, the story of Al Kuliyan’s establishment in Doro, 2 red hands on either side of one yellow, (normal hand) on a flag diagonally cut white and green. White for Al Kuliya, green for Kada.Many enemies of Doro will sometimes cut a hole in the middle of the hand to symbolize the explosive nature of the country.        


  Doro is a kingdom with a main city and two smaller cities to control the region. The main city is built on the mouth of the lake with the same name, Doro. Doro’s most prominent feature is its waterways; most of the year the primary body of water that culture flows around is Lake Doro, however during the summer, when the ice melts, water reaches the flood plains to the south of the river, creating a massive swamp-like pool. The floodplains are about 30 feet deep in most areas, except closer to the center, where it can get to about


Doro was the first region in Tel Rialis that converted to Alkuliah 400 years ago. Originally a much smaller isolated region with strong ties to the original inhabitants. They built their culture around Lake Doro, fishing and trading among themselves. It converted to Kadda during the conquest of the Kaddite empire. A change came to Doro when Kreasso , to the north, exiled a group of Al Kuliyans for 50 years. They came down the river; some settled in Doro around the lake with the Kaddans, while fewer went to Vencerrado|tab]Vencerrado.   Kreasso migration was largely accepted with open arms, many of them were allowed to leave with their possessions so they brought a net influx of cash, and their strong connections with the Kreasso empire, and river sailing skills, enabled them to bring much wealth to the region. This empowered the Doro landowning-nobles, whom they signed very lucrative trade agreements, wherein the Landowner would get 80% of the profits of trading their goods down the river. The strong nobles greatly enraged the king Antonio Antonio though, who did not like his nobles potentially becoming more wealthy than him. He couldn't outright fight his own nobles, so he instead sought to wait out their exile, while slowly stripping them of rights, and trying to stir religious tensions.   The migrants and the king were in contention, pressure mounting to a turning point. After the Kreasso migrant exile ended, most refused to return north, claiming that Doro was their new land and home. The Kadan king felt his power slipping and religious leadership waning, so he tried to send them back to Kreasso. The Kulis retreated to the mountains or isolated regions where basic monasteries were set up. The Kuliyans of Tel Rialis sent an emissary to the emperor of Kreasso asking for aid, a smuggler to get past the guards. The persuasion of the Convict had the emperor send a legion to free the persecuted Kuliyans. The story became known as The Conman’s Kings.   Kreasso sent a 40-thousand-strong army, which decimated the Kadan troops and aided in establishing Al Kuliya as the region’s official religion. The previous king ], also known as the "la cabra estúpida" After this time, many converted to Al Kuliya or fled to Pastoralis or Briaeros. 25-thousand of men of the army sent by Kreasso decide to move to Doro permanently along, with their general Pierre Jean-Jacques becoming the new king. Kreasso did not stop this, because he seemed to think that Doro was essentially a vassal state now. In certain respects Doro was, because the help came at the expensive of an extremely large monetary debt, that doro would spend 210 years paying off slowly, until most of the records were destroyed in an accidental fire, some believe to be a Doro backed arson attack. There is only 1 page of it remaining.   Jean-Jacques dynasty: It is a common myth that fighting began immortally after the start of the Jacques dynasty. The new dynasty at first tried amicable relations with the neighboring, Paestoralis kingdom for at least 1 month. It is now known without a doubt that the peace talks were mostly a delaying technique by Jacques, as he established control over the city and mountains. The peace would end definitively when a barrel filled with spear tips going down the river, got lost and ended up in paestroalis that had been stamped with destination for Doro by Kreasso merchants.   Skirmishing began at the bottom of the city, with Paestoralist throwing their plague-ridden cadavers over the city of door walls; many missed, however, at least one did land in the middle of the king's royal court and go through the stained glass window, landing on and killing Jean-Jacques, only wife. They were, however, unwilling to climb the mountains and enter the city, choosing to opt to instead siege the city, by denying it access to its important lake and policing its main mountains passage to the river, the Cobra. Within the 130th day of the siege, the captain of the siege secretly decided to excuse himself back to the capital city, to attend the funeral of his wife. Spies for Doro decided to use this to attack the siege. This began the battle of bright light in dark nights, which was a Doro deceive victory. Doro would then begin a full-scale war led by their king. The war saw the heavy use of the Hwacha, and fireworks. The fireworks would terrify the Paestorlais horses early on, and the hwacha would then cause a full-on route. However, the spreading of firework technology, and better horse blinders, compounded with most of the fights now happening in the passage between Doro, and Paestoralis where fireworks can't be used, as much. Doro would then take a huge chunk of territory from Brarioes and Paestoralis that is fully incorporated into self.   The people of Doro prosper, trading across water and crafting goods while the nobles dance politics in the capital. The warriors placed in the south grow restless. As descendants from the legion that overthrew the Kadans and conquered the basin, their adoration for combat leaves them restless. Their desire to pillage and raid is tempered by the cultural sensibilities in the north of Doro, however it will only keep the legion’s descendants at bay for so long.  



Jean-Jacques dynasty reform:

The first king Pierre Jean-Jacques, was introduced three major laws that come large from Kreasso culture that still affect the culture of Doro:
  • misogynie
    This law heavily women's ability to do commerce, or hold property.
  • guerre
This law required all men to prepare for war, and to go to the capital for 2 years of their life to be trained, and then complete a 10-year military service. It also introduced the Doro mindset of "Everything is war," wherein Doro citizens seek to compete with every person in already to determine and show superiority; see also Math duels.  
  • éclatement
    This law declared that all people of the Doro have the right to fireworks and also established so-called gunpowder monasteries, where research in explosion magic and explosions is the primary study of all priests present. The Demolition monastery, in particular, was founded from this law.
  Math duals: in accordance with "everything is war," it is expected that any scholar will be challenged to a so-called math dual in order to defend their honor and status within the community. The process of a dual is as follows, one scholar sends a written challenge to a potential candidate, along with a list of problems that tell them to solve. The challenged either reject or send back a list of their own challenges, plus a tiny match to symbolize their flaming feud. Within one year they must meet in an agreed-upon monastery and present the answer to their problem to a team of experts, who will decide a winner.   Male Love: One aspect of Doro culture, is male love is usually seen as equal, or greater than hetero love. It is not uncommon for soldiers to be drafted with a wife at home, and return with a husband. This has always been the case, before any religious changes, but became much more common after the guerre law was passed.  

Government/Politics/Administrative divisions:

  When Doro expanded it broke the monarchy balance, as the king took all the new land directly under him during the conquest, establishing the monarchy as the most powerful, and almost absolute force in the kingdom. When Jean captured the cities, he devices regularly events to go to them, and securely seize taxes in person. He takes advantage the carves flooding in order to visit the outer lying cities.  

Mayor or death

Too keep the cities in the new captured cities happy, the new Jean-Jacques dynasty established a system wherein he would hand-pick their mayors, from his staff, however, to appease the people he would let them vote after a year to keep them. If they voted to reject him the man rejected would be beheaded, greatly essentializing the picked-out mayor to do a good job getting the people to like them. This system came to be known as mayor or death. All cities, expect those in the mountains have a mayor hand picked by the king, where the nobles still rule.   When the flood plains are full, a great sea monster emerges the Ballbocina. The Ballbocina, is then ritually killed by the king, with the sea monsters scales harvested, and it's heads is then put on display. Because of this the king is usually referred to as the river king. The king keeps a council of handpicked advisors who handle much of the day-to-day business.


Kuliyans make up a large majority of the Doran population, estimated at 90%. Of the minority groups, Saenos are the second largest group, making up approximately 7% of the population during the time of the flood. Their population is highly concentrated in the port town of Port Lien. Polytheists make up 3% of the population, mainly consisting of residual groups living near the borders of Briareos and Pastoralis.     90% Al Kuyilans 7% Saeno 3% Polytheists


The economy slightly wanes and waxes with the flood season, as the majority of agriculture relies on the rich nutrients the spring flood (nicknamed the Flush) provides.  

The primary exports:

produce, scales from the carve, wood from the white trees, completed cannons, and fireworks  

Primary imports:

Sulfur from Vencerrado
Characters in Location


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