Dimitri Amana

Early Life

  Once known as Dimitri Umbra. He was born in Briareos, in a small mountain village. At the young age of 4, he was chosen by the church. It’s considered an incredible honor but isn’t the easiest life. He was brought and raised in the church dormitories as Dimitri Amana and began to learn the ways as an artificer and potential council member. Normally children aren’t considered by the church until they’re at least 6 years old which shows just house special the church believed Dimitri to be. As he grew he learned at a pace that baffled the priests. It wasn’t before long that he was ready for the divination. At only 17 he aced all three tests in record time. He was the youngest person to ever participate in the trials and the youngest to succeed. He was ordained as a priest and immediately moved to Cridala Cove to be on the Council. The transition from the Church tucked in the mountains to the largest city and port in Briareos was not easy for him. He longed for home and struggled to earn respect from the other members of the council. Time and time again he had to prove his abilities to the other members.  


  It was during a time of crisis that the other members turned to Dimitri. At the age of 27, he was still the youngest member of the council. And at 27 he saved Briareos from a famine. It was a difficult year and people were starving Dimitri had been working against the council for the entire year to reserve some of the food that they had been exporting. It had been a plentiful 8 years with harvests yielding more than anticipated year after year. Despite this Dimitri was arguing to slow exports and keep food in reserves. There are seasons outside of the growing season but there was no sign of famine and the other board members denied him. Being something he felt strongly about he made connections throughout Briareos and called for a council meeting involving the heads of all the churches. Pleading his case they granted him a small food reserve. The next year the wet and rainy Briareos had a record drought. Without rain for a month and massive heat waves, the fields weren’t yielding crops. It was the small food reserves that Dimitri held that saved Briareos from starvation.  

Position of Power

  After the famine, Dimitri was labeled a hero. He gained respect from the other council members and now on an even playing field, he could do his job. He became head of the council at 32. He was well known for his intelligence and mastery of Artifice. He improved the formula for aqueduct arcurios allowing for further expansion of the Briareosi aqueduct systems. His formula also required less fuel.  


  When Dimitri turned 73 he moved home to the church tucked away in the mountains. He still holds a lot of weight in the council but now is the head of the church. He spends most of his time developing more efficient acurios that could benefit Briareos in the future.  


  Dimitri fell in love when he turned 36. Her name was Imre and in his eyes she was perfect. He would’ve walked away from his life on the council and as a leader of Briareos for her. She drank poison that was meant for him and died before they ever married or had children. Dimitri became reclusive and embedded in his work. After retirement and moving back to the church a young apprentice worked his way into Dimitri’s heart. He took the apprentice under his wing after denying he’d ever take an apprentice. Dimitri has become sort of a father figure to him and lives there with him to this day.
Faith: Kada (Perone) Age: 75 Pronouns: He/Them Birthplace: Briareos


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