Hanno Ox

The Hanno Ox is a domesticated breed of cattle commonly found on farms in the mountainous regions of Tel Rialis. They are named after the Hanno Mountain Range  where their wild ancestors are believed to have originated from. They are favored for their mild temperament, ability to work in the fields, and long, soft fur that can be used for clothing and other handmade items.  


The first Hanno oxen were domesticated several centuries ago after traveling down the Hanno Mountains alongside humans to what is now the Pastoralis Region region. They were domesticated by the nomadic people of the time as a way to make access to food and clothing materials easier as they traveled from place to place. Traveling groups typically kept fifteen to twenty oxen at a time to keep the herd manageable during travels. Hanno oxen also provided assistance in transporting materials for these traveling nomadic people, and became a key part of their migratory lifestyle. When some nomadic groups began to settle down, the Hanno oxen also proved helpful for a farming lifestyle for plowing fields, pulling carts, and managing fields by grazing on grass.   Once the owners of the Hanno Oxen adapted to a more sedentary lifestyle, they expanded the size of their herds and began to adopt more selective breeding methods to have hardier but more docile livestock. It also became common for Hanno ox to be used as a method of transportation across large, flat distances. Although they are not the fastest method of transit, their strength and endurance allow them to travel for long amounts of time.  


Hanno Oxen are known for their long, curled horns that allow them to defend themselves as well as assist with carrying objects. Their horns were naturally curled, to begin with, but they have become notably curlier as the centuries have passed, likely due to their domestication. Their shaggy and soft coat keeps them warm in colder, rugged climates such as the mountains, but may require maintenance when living in warmer climates. Their fur varies in color from dark brown to light auburn, but in some cases, cows with gray or even pure white fur have been reported. They have a large, sturdy build, and typically reach a height of up to 6 feet tall.


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