Pastoralis Region


Mezigal, the city to the north, is built on top of a hill with mountains on one side, very well protected, and small. Alberra, the city to the south, is an agricultural trade center that exports crops to the surrounding regions.


The mountains are cold and covered with a thick layer of snow. Beneath the mountains is an arid desert due to the rain shadow. The south has an oceanic climate ideal for growing crops.  


Origin History

Pastoralis as a kingdom began when Malik the Lost brought together a large number of nomadic groups, and led them to control the common meeting grounds of Alberra, Mezigal, and Culpira. Under the reign of Malik, these meeting grounds evolved into cities, where trade prospered. They controlled all the way to Kreasso in the north, although Doro exercised more autonomy than the rest of the region.  

Recent History

Generations later, when Egrecia was conquered by Kada, Pastoralis converted willingly - the multitude of nomadic religions had led to strife and unrest between groups, and converting to Kada allowed the King of Pastoralis to exercise more control over their people. More recently, Doro revolted and pushed Pastoralis back past the Inuna basin.    

Political Climate

With the majority of its people being nomadic, Pastoralis is no longer a strong political power in Tel Rialis. The desert between Alberra and Mezigal is practically ungoverned, home to nomads and shepherds. The royal family of Pastoralis spends half the year in Mezigal and the other half in Alberra.  

The Royals

King Heril is the 47th king, he is a figurehead with very little power since Pastoralis is very localized. He has been trained from birth to be king and places importance on appearances. Queen Isobelle is the 47th queen, she hails from a noble family, and takes pride in farming so she encourages farming practices. Often butts heads with her husband.  


Pastoralis maintains a sizeable force along their northern border known as The Dorak. The Dorak are tasked with protecting Pastoralis from Doron raids. The Dorak are known for their Yak Cavalry, although in recent years they have been hiring mercenaries from Egrecia and Domina for added support.  


Despite the vast size of Pastoralis, it is one of the least populated regions of Tel Rialis. Most people live in either Mezigal or Alberra, while the rest are farmers and nomadic pastoralists. Pastoralis is a bit of a hot spot for the Saeno. The total population of the region is 18,750 people. The Kaddite population is 15,938 people or 85% of the regional population. Al Kuliya’s population is 1,875 people or 10% of the regional population. The Saneo make up the smallest portion of the regional population with 938 people (5%).  

Saeno in Pastoralis

Pastoralis has a relatively large population of Saeno. Pastoralis has a long unpopulated coastline to the South which is where the Saeno settle. Pastoralis’ nomads tend to be tolerant towards the Saeno, as other nomads. Many of the Saeno get their wood for boats from the southern cities.  


The economics are mostly agriculture and animal husbandry. People who live at higher altitudes boil snow to purify it for water. The north is about subsistence farming and animal husbandry (sheep, goats, yaks, alpacas, and cows). The typical livestock in Pastoralis is sheep, goats, yaks, alpacas, and cows. Some groups of people [typically the Saneo] live nomadic lifestyles and travel all throughout the region as the seasons change to raise livestock. Crops are grown mostly in the lower valleys. The south focuses on farming based (popular crops include grapes, grains and corn) There is relatively poor wealth distribution. While the lower class tends to be more well off than other regions, there is practically no middle class. City folk tend to have a rudimentary education. Artifice is more common in Pastoralis cities due to their general education.    


Education in the cities

Education is offered in a formal setting from grades 1 to 6. In grade 1 students are taught the basics of reading and writing. In grade 2 students are taught health and medicine. In grade 3 students are taught farming techniques and tiling the land. In grade 4 students are taught government basics and history. In grade 5 students are taught about political climate and tensions. In grade 6 students learn about extracurriculars. Afterwards they are taught either in small groups or by mentors.  

Art and Culture/Media/Sports

The predominant area of creativity is communicated through storytelling. Due to the nomadic nature of Pastoralis, many trade stories such as local legends, exciting battles, etc to keep the culture alive across the many fields and barren lands.


Lots of the foods in Pastroralis are salted and dried, since travel is major in the kingdom. Olives are great. There is an modest influx of seafood as food and crops go north from the southern farms and from the saenos travel too. A lot of the meat and dairy products come from the north so a trade route was developed. Bad children get fed corn cakes (like rice cakes).


Many of the people regardless of religion are nomadic. People tend to rely on portable shelters, and the few permanent structures are built to be short-term and house many people, as travelers often travel in big groups. The people of Pastoralis tend to be tense, and in cities like Mezigal mercenaries often roam around, under the pretense of protecting the kingdom.


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