Ingrid Melicharová

Ingrid is a Kaddite ceramicist that specializes in making unique ceramic pieces and tokens. She has lived in Malagra her entire life and continues to work in the city.

Early Life

Ingrid was born in a Malagrain city. Her family would go to a temple every week fueling her love for religion. Ingrid always dreamed since she was a little girl to work in a temple. The large temples with elegant art always called to her. She loved the atmosphere of the temples and how they offered a place of peace from the bustle of the city. Ingrid had hopes of being a nun at one of the local temples for the god Amiar. Once Ingrid was older, a teacher told her that her dream of working in a temple was simply unattainable because of her inability to read or comprehend runes. After learning she couldn’t serve her god in the most outright way in the temple she decided to devote herself to trying her hand at making religious artwork. Ingrid focused on religious imagery and iconography for the rest of her time in school.


Ingrid’s switch in plans led her to discover a talent for pottery. Her studies in the later part of her education meant that she had uncommon symbols incorporated into her work. The uncommon symbols helped cement Ingrid’s career as a ceramicist. Her extensive knowledge of Kaddite symbols allowed her to weave in different symbols for prosperity, luck, protection, etc into everyday pieces and decorations. Ingrid does custom pieces as well and makes pieces for milestones in people’s lives.
she/ her


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