Lucita Tainoré

Lucita Tainoré is a Saenian  who creates natural remedies and medicinal products while traveling in an effort to assist others while making a living. Although her straightforward attitude and blunt mannerisms may make others wary, she is an experienced healer and artifice user and she uses these skills to aid others on her journeys. She is what other religions consider Sidanes, the denomination of Saenism that coexists best with the other cultures of Tel Rialis. She spends much of her time traveling along the coastline and through the accessible rivers of the continent with her small boat, a tanyth sloop vessel, which she has nicknamed Fortuna. To operate her boat by herself, she has created her own glyph combinations which she has carved into various parts of the boat to assist her in sailing.

Early Life

Lucita was born at sea aboard the Tainoré. She spent much of her early years on the ocean with the occasional trip to the land when their ship stopped at ports for supplies and trade deals. Despite her whole life being focused around the sea, Lucita could not deny her interest in what seemed like the otherworldly cultures of the Kaddites and Al Kuliyans. Because of this, she set off on a solo journey along the coastlines of Tel Rialis at the age of 20. She was not able to bring herself to fully leave behind her home, but she aimed to meet other Saenians on her journey, whether that be at sea, or on land.  


As she traversed between the land and sea, she picked up an interest in the medicinal purposes of the new flora that she encountered, and how they could work in tandem with the remedies that she had grown accustomed to while living on the ocean. After some experimentation, consultation with other healers, and a number of questionable results, Lucita soon became skilled in making home remedies for a variety of ailments. As she traveled from port to port selling general goods, she began to sell her own medicine and act as a healer for those in need. For areas where she has made regular visits to over the years, she is well-liked and respected for her help to the community. However, this doesn’t prevent a number of people from making distasteful remarks towards her for her beliefs as a Saenian despite her positive impact on those she helps.   When she is able, she still travels back to her home ship of Tainoré in order to visit the family and friends she grew up with that remained on the ship. During her visits, she makes sure to restock the ship’s medicine supply for when she isn’t there to help as well as provide any new important information or exciting stories that she had learned on her most recent journey.  


Since she was young, Lucita always enjoyed drawing what she could see in the world around her. However, growing up on a ship meant there were a limited number of new sites for her to sketch, and her hobby ended up getting pushed to the side as she grew older. Once she was able to set off on her own though, Lucita hastily picked up ink and paper again to record the new sites she was able to witness.   Lucita consistently aims to learn from the world around her via her travels, in turn, she has become known for her detailed documentation of the places she has traveled to as well as its inhabitants. Lucita has always taken a keen interest in the plants and animals of the land despite her origins as a Saenian, so much of her journals and books are filled with sketches and observationst  of the flora and fauna she has met in the past. Based on her notes, it appears that one of her favorite creatures she has met was the herds of wild Hanno Ox located in Domína. Someday, she hopes to have her work represented in the Library of Malva, the largest library in Tel Rialis.




Female (she/her)


Traveling Merchant and Healer




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