Magic and Artifice

Magic can refer to the supernatural, wondrous, or mundane illusion. The term may also refer to Artifice, a form of craftsmanship that can imbue objects with a mechanism of power. Ancient objects of this style are called artifacts, while modern creations are called Arcurios.  

Quantified Artifice

  Artifice uses Proportion Marks, most often in the form of Runes and Glyphs. These marks are carved or etched and require great precision. The creation of a set of runes requires great forethought. There is no one way to write runes and they vary from straight lines to curved or angled. However there is a direction and a line to follow the runes, no matter how twisted.   Artifice is used across Tel Rialis as a way to enhance existing structures and objects or to make new ones with an intended function. It takes a lot to put together an Arcurio, however, once it is sealed and cooled, the item can be used by anyone who knows how. The secret to operating Arcurios and artifacts is understanding the intent behind activating the etched marks.   The Marks are a feat of mathematical precision, advancements compounded to the modern understanding across Tel Rialis. This understanding is flawed, however, while the Saenians understand the system on a deeper level, creating Saenian Arcurios of value. This makes them a target of robbery, of thieves however, few know how to make them work.    


  Perspective on magic varies from people living their lives without questioning the way the world works living lives mostly adjacent to any spirits, monsters, glyphs, and runes. Magic as is quantified however is known as artifice. This form of magic ranges in awareness among the populace.   There are those that are literate and can write, yet do not know how to copy marks. The proportion marks differ from the writing system although they are similar. It is a different syntax than the Rialin tongue. Some understand how to read runes or glyphs to try and activate an Arcurio, but not how to write them for themselves.   Beginners in the art learn to copy runes and they mostly don’t attempt to build an arcurio. They understand the basics of runes or glyphs to read them however more advanced techniques are unknown to them.   More advanced use of artifice leads those who have general involvement in all disciplines to craft items for themselves, and those mastering a single discipline, to working with other specialists.    


  The use of artifacts and Arcurios may only happen if the item is being fed fuel. This process is done by touching the mark on a flammable fuel. After attuned it will invisibly burn, fueling the Arcurio, until the source runs out or the rune is deactivated   The material burns without a flame, consumed by the use of an entangled item. Battlefields often have fuel supplies, warriors entangle their items to a large deposit of fuel and fight until the supply gets depleted, regrouping and entangling to a new source.    

Practice, Process, and Materials



Practitioners of the form. Any who etch is considered an artificer, however, this varies. It is practiced primarily in Studios. Workshops of artificers run by Grand Artificers, or Master Artifists. Those that have practiced all their lives and distinguished themselves.    

Proportion Theorists

Those that theorize on the proportions, studying a variety of disciplines, looking for connections and new ways to create runes. Often ancient artifacts hold the most useful insights. Many are teachers and facilitate young prodigies, while others work only with masters of their disciplines or are solitary artificers with big ideas.    

Set Crafter

Those that spend their days creating sets of runes for crafting arcurios. They fill notebooks with theory and strings of Arcurio effects. They consider themselves distinguished from proportion theorists but have learned much from them. These are the ones that put theory in practice working with engravers to enact their design.    


Those that painstakingly carve runes and glyphs into potential arcurio. To ensure the marks are precise they use models, often in a circle, square, or diamond to mold the correct shapes. Modifiers set inside this circle augment the capability of the mark. Uses Engravers Tools to work with a variety of materials from leather and metal to stone and flesh, novices practice these early on and repeatedly. Engravers use the runes as a guide for the next step, filling with material.   Chisel, Carver, Etching tool, Rulers   Leather, Ivory, Metal, Wood, Stone, Clay, Flesh  

Scale Masters

Those that measure out the material fill of an engraved set. Finding and refining the specific materials for filling an engraving, so the effect gets optimized. What few scale masters know in Tel Rialis are secrets held by the Saenians from their lost homeland. Al Kuliyan and Kaddite artificers have not yet discovered that varying materials between runes are possible to a much deeper degree. Across they often only have different materials that have the same weight, as they can fill the runes evenly to create the same volume. Seanians can make it more complex and impossible-to-read marks as they use the weight to set the proportion. This flip in the mind has been realized by a few artificers in Tel Rialis, however, a trade secret is best kept to one’s self.   Doron Salt, Lokuras Obsidian, Inuna Scale Dust, Izavel Pigment      

Set Sealers

Those that specialize in creating a seal for an Arcurio. Their art is the most essential for a functional Arcurio, without a proper seal the arcurio’s power will ephemeral. Seals can be accomplished through a variety of means, often torching, hammering metal, or drying. Like any other improper seal, if the seal is broken the power will start to fade.   Oil, Sealing Tars, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper    


Those that specialize in fuel sources for using arcurios, the invisibly flammable materials that get entangled to an item for fuel usage. Burners are responsible for testing Arcurios, the most dangerous part of the process. Bloodburners specialize in Arcurios which are fueled by blood.   Izavel Root, Blood, Wood, Coal, Oils    


Generalist artificers craft Arcurios all by themselves. Distinguished from proportion theorists, generalists have more practical solutions and may create effective but less complicated devices. They may be limited by economic status or prejudice.  



Proportion Principle

All marks are proportions to each other, mathematically worked out to precision. If not in proper proportion the magic will not take.  

Setting Principle

It is impossible to make a working mark without the knowledge of what one is doing. One must have a notion of what they are doing and trying to achieve. The results of mark combinations may be a surprise when making something new.\  

Degradation Principle

There is little leeway in making a mark, the farther you are from the real proportion, the less powerful or ephemeral the effect is. If the marks are set improperly the sets drain in power over time, modern craft has a hard time lasting longer than 100 years. However, there are ancient artifacts that have existed for millennia and are still in use.  

Scalar Principle

Simpler designs last longer because they can be made bigger and so more powerful, however massively large marks are incredibly difficult to make, requiring a great deal of wealth and connections.
Left to Right:   Set for deadly electrocution of living creatures   Set for turning carcasses into crystal   Set for flaming sword

Articles under Magic and Artifice


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