The Tetracharm

The Tetracharm was an amulet arcurio created and worn by the semi-mythical Simona Horowitz. Originally, the charm was little more than a garbled heap of spidereel thread on the shore. Simona, knowledgeable of spidereels, took interest in the heap’s unusually geometric pattern, a pattern that reminded her of Saenian marks. Bringing it with her, Simona began to tinker with the heap in her spare time, refining the pattern she recognized and cutting out waste, until finally completing it with a base handmade out of spidereel thread.   The center bears thirteen triangular divots measured to precision, surrounded by a sun-like pattern cut and sanded out of its original squiggly form. The divots are easy to mistake for decoration, but are in reality the receptacles for the amulet’s fuel. Its primary magical use was briefly turning the user invisible, roughly two minutes at a time—a very useful technique for a firebrand Saeno girl often in the company of Kadites and Kuliyans looking to keep her head attached to her neck.   Few knew of the amulet’s magical function, fewer still knew its nature, and even those fewest of few could never activate it; this is because the back of the amulet sports an unassuming oval indentation which actually serves as the closing mark. It, like the triangular divots, must be filled with fuel during entanglement, and the amulet must be activated by tracing bottom to top. The only reason this is known is due to Simona’s journals; if she simply chose not to write this knowledge down, it would have been lost entirely. The fact she’d record such a secret to begin with implies she intended for someone—an ancestor, a kindred spirit, scholars of the future—to follow in her footsteps.


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