Timoteo Roca (ti moʊ tɛə oʊ roʊ cɑ)

Timoteo Roca is a Messenger of The Greater Al Kuliyan Council of Tel Rialis. He specializes in the collection of information relating to technological developments, and travels throughout the peninsula gathering information in yearly rounds. He has a friendly yet quiet demeanor, and tends to get along well with people regardless of what part of Tel Rialis he finds himself in. Some have criticized him for neglecting his official Messenger duties because of his laid back attitude, though his infrequent reports do provide valuable information to the Kuliyan temples. Early Life Timeoteo was born within a small monastery located in the eastern mountains of Doro. His father is unknown, and his mother was a young woman named Farai Roca. Farai surrendered Timoteo to the monastery shortly after his birth, where he would be raised and taught by Kuliyan monks. As a child he had a tendency towards wanderlust, frequently harassing travelers and pilgrims to share stories of their travels. He learned reading and writing from the Kuliyan monks, who believed he had the potential to become a Messenger for Al Kuliya. Messenger Apprenticeship At the age of 12, Timoteo became the apprentice of Manuel del Flor, a senior Messenger who specialized in gathering intel regarding changes in trade patterns across both Kuliyan and Kaddite kingdoms. Manuel trained the fledgling apprentice both in ways to travel safely and efficiently, and in the methods of information gathering utilized by Messengers, involving discreet questioning and observation. As the monks who raised him suspected, Timoteo proved to be a adept pupil. Unlike Manuel, however, his main interest was in the technologies that his home in Doro lacked, such as the artistic tools of the Kaddite regions or the navigational equipment of the Saeno. Manuel, though a stern man, sought to encourage Timoteo’s interests, and the two formed a strong bond over the 4 years they spent together. Once Timoteo turned 16, he was officially promoted to a true Messenger of Al Kuliya, making his vows to the Greater Al Kuliyan Council of Tel Rialis. Manuel del Flor retired from his travels, and as such Timoteo set out on his own. Messenger Duties As a Messenger who specializes in information gathering, Timeoteo continually travels throughout Tel Rialis, collecting information that he believes to be significant or of importance to Al Kuliya. He records it in his travel logs, which he either personally delivers to Kuliyan temples, or hands off to another messenger making the journey to Kuliyan territories. His position dictates that he must deliver at least one report every six months, and every two years he must return to the High Council to receive any new orders. Timoteo Roca possess all of the standard skills which Messengers are expected to have, including but not limited to literacy, horseback riding, and self defense combat skills. He is also an experienced survivalist, and is capable of living off the land if need be. However, he spends most of his nights in small settlements or joining up in traveling bands. In spite of his upbringing and profession, Roca is not a highly religious or exclusionary person, and as a result of this he enjoys the company of people from many different creeds on his journeys. Now a senior Messenger himself, Timoteo has recently taken on his first apprentice, 13 year old Marino Oscalle, a stubborn and excitable girl. Though she at times tests his patience, the two have begun to bond with each other.
Current Status
Kuliyan Messenger traveling through Tel Rialis
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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