

The symbol of the Domína Region is the tortoise, honoring the specific polytheistic god of knowledge and ignorance.  


Domína is a landlocked region that is contained between two rivers—the Pascula river to the east, and the Yasha river to the west—and the Hanno Mountain Range , which also borders the polytheistic region of Ahumm . Domína is the most centralized region within Tel Rialis, and rests at a higher elevation due to the surrounding mountains. The capital city, Malva , rests near the Melita Lake along the Pascula River. A waterfall from the lake flows down below into the river, and at the base of the river lies the main trading port in central regions of Kada. Most settlements are small villages within the mountains, and some scattered amidst the flatter plains along the two rivers.  


Domína was one of the first regions founded within the Kaddite kingdoms in Tel Rialis. However, it was first settled only by nomads who settled in the mountains. Domina is a “Switzerland” of sorts, resting in the middle of multiple nations (both polytheistic and monotheistic) but being too small to justify playing a significant role in military prowess and war. The region is sparsely populated, mainly due to the steep mountains and its resting place near potential areas of tension. The region has been a hub of trade for many years, due to the Melita lake utilized as a trading port amidst the Pascula River, having a high tolerance especially for the Saeno people as well as the monotheists. However, the region quickly also developed into the center of knowledge for the Kaddite Kingdom.  

Government/Politics/Administrative divisions

When it was first founded, the nomadic mountain settlers did not care much to develop a government structure. As time passed, Domina citizens naturally developed a matriarchal society and nominated their ruling Queen. Both the male and female bloodlines are favored equally in society, however, due to the matriarchal government, it is common for parents to name their child with the mother's surname first, followed by a second surname derived from the father.  

Queens of Domina

There have been three ruling queens of Domina since its founding. The next in line for the throne is based off of the next matriarch in the royal bloodline.    
  • Queen Malva Cedillo-Llopis: Founding Queen of Domina
  • Queen Melita Cedillo-Ferreiro: First-born daughter of Queen Malva
  • Queen Adonya Cedillo-Perez: First-born daughter of Queen Melita

    King's of Domina

    While the Queens of Domina hold the most power within the royal government, the King's who marry into the royal family are still incredibly respected in society. All three of the King's have made incredible contributes to Domina by contributing to the local temples and becoming strongly connected to their faith. They act as role models for the citizens to look up to, as they emulate men who live a chivalrous, kind, and loyal life.
    • Christian Ferreiro: Husband to Queen Malva
    • Samuel Perez: Husband to Queen Melita
    • Marco Herrera: Husband to Queen Adonya


    • Domína – 10% of total polytheist kingdom population size, 5% of continental population size
    • Domína population size: 37,500
    • Kaddiet Population: 94% (35,250)
    • Al-Kuliyan Population: 4% (1,500)
    • Saeno Population: 2%
    • The founding queen, Queen Malva, developed Domina to be the center of knowledge it has become. Queen Malva put the majority of time and funds into building extravagant libraries, universities, and schools for primary education in the city of Malva. She also had The Profeta Temple built for the people of Domina as well as officials of the Kada faith.
      Queen Melita was a highly educated woman in Domina. When Melita took on the role of Queen after her mother's passing, she used her wealth of knowledge and experience in order to develop a major pulley system utilizing the city of Malva's waterfall. The residents of Malva named the body of water Melita Lake in her honor.
      Queen Adonya is the current ruling queen of Domina. Her main efforts concern the spread and accessability of education for all citiens, and the expansion of village housing along the mountain side in the city of Malva.
      All rulers of Domina have made conscious effort to separate the government from religious faith. Domina is a welcoming region for people of all religious practices, this separation was necessary in order to respect the wishes of all citizens.Economy
      In its prime, Domína had a great boost in the economy after its founding for its serene location, defensive position, and abundant natural resources as well as the increased access after development of the water-powered lift. Over time, the economy has worsened as other cities developed and it became inconvenient to reach Domína. Resources are slowly becoming more and more depleted, and citizens are beginning to struggle.
      Several small villages and towns scattered outside the capital city, mainly focus on farming and craftsmanship in skills such as sword-making for income.
      • Baal
      • Marbella
      • Tariq

    • Malva (capital city) exports metals, and surrounding towns/villages buy it to create weaponry and other metal materials such as household items. It is a major source of armor and other tools made from steel and iron (priority on forgery reminiscent of Toledo). They are also large exporters of bread, planks and other refined goods?Infrastructure
      There is a heavy focus on engineering and industrialization. This is necessary to assist in transportation of goods up and down the mountainside, specifically in Malva. They utilize the waterfall for mechanical power in a highly efficient and powerful Cargo Pulley System .
      A prominent temple rests in the central location of Malva, where the members of the polytheistic council come to meet. It rests high up in the mountains above next to Melita Lake. It is named The Profeta Temple .
    by Juliana Falcón
    Characters in Location


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