

Large strong animals primarily made up of muscle and covered with long fur. They’re incredibly useful in their native land, Pastoralis Region . They can be used to pull plows and transport heavy caravans. They produce thick wool, meat, and milk which is commonly processed into cheese. They have large lungs and are well equipped to live in the cold mountainous areas surrounding Pastoralis. When living in lower altitudes the Yaks are normally shaved to keep them from overheating.  


Being such strong mammals they have a lot of uses, a big use of Yaks in Pastoralis is the Dorak Yak Cavalry. The Dorak ride the sturdy horned animals into battle and use them to provide milk, food, and warmth when needed. Yaks also consume less than standard cattle despite their large size which makes them an even better option for the Dorak. Their milk is also higher in fat content than cows. In their downtime, the Dorak use the Yaks in races.  


The Yaks enjoy the Fairy Thistle found in the desert, their mouths are hard and equipped with dealing with the prickly cactus skin. Fairy Thistle is more of a treat, mostly Yaks eat grass and herbs.  


A yak is typically pregnant for a little less than a year and can have a child every year, however, doing so would be incredibly strenuous on its body. The Yak only produces milk when pregnant.


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