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A Letter Concerning the Decision to Close the Altairus Portals

When the decision was made for the Altairus portals to be closed following the War of the Wendigoes, copies of this letter were sent through all known working Altairus at once just before said portals were deactivated.

Document Structure


The document lays out in no uncertain terms what needs to happen if the Altairus portals are to reopen. Specifically, it cites the destruction and discontinuation of all nuclear weapons production and more regard to the disenfranchised of their nations as actions that need to be taken before the document is annuled. In addition, the document is cursed so that if its contents are altered, the alterer could face a severe generational curse or even sudden death.

Publication Status

This letter was pushed through each and every known Altairus portals just before they closed. Hence, many of those who had built-in Altairus portals in their homes have a copy of the letter.

Legal status

The document is legal under the collective magical law of Altairus. As such, alteration of its contents can result in many nasty curses falling upon the alterer.

Historical Details


After the War of the Wendigoes ended, representatives from the many communities of Altairus got together and, after much deliberation, made the decision to close the portals between Earth and their world. This letter was sent through all Altairus portals just before their closure to inform the humans of this decision.


The document announces the closure of all Altairus portals for an indefinite period of time. It deliberately leaves open the possibility of the portals being reopened.

Text, Legislative
Authoring Date
May 22, 2245 P.S.
Ratification Date
May 23, 2245 P.S.


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