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Arachno Swamp

The Arachno Swamp is only a short distance from Rainbow Country, but while Rainbow Country is bright and sunny, the Arachno Swamp is dark and soggy! This rather unpleasant land located on the west side of Pandora is no place to go at night when its eight-legged dwellers come to play!


The Arachno Swamp is a patch of wetlands. Rivers and lakes dot the landscape like swiss cheese.


The Arachno Swamp is associated with the Water and Dark elements. Creatures of these elements thrive in this environment, particularly certain species of freshwater fish and marsh plants.

Ecosystem Cycles

In winter, the rivers and lakes of the Arachno Swamp are frozen over, making it somewhat easier to traverse. This is also when the Arachno Swamp's more unpleasant inhabitants hibernate, so individuals traveling through this land will do so in the wintertime.


One thing that the Arachno Swamp is known for year-round is its humidity. All of the water blankets the swamp in mist no matter what the time of year. The sticky humidity in the summer is particularly unbearable.

Fauna & Flora

As you may well imagine, the most commonly known fauna of the Arachno Swamp are giant spiders. These spiders, while deadly and aggressive, are a delicacy on the west side of Pandora and are said to taste a lot like crab. Aside from this, swamp-dwelling flora such as mangroves and fauna such as freshwater fish and swamp sirens thrive here.

Natural Resources

The Arachno Swamp is a popular hunting grounds both for spider meat and fish. Altairians of all kinds risk life and limb to acquire the delicacies the swamp holds.
West Pandora
Associated Element(s)
Water, Dark
Alternate Name(s)
Spider Swamp, Creepy Swamp


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