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Create Rainbow Bridge

This spell allows the user to create a physical rainbow that can be used to traverse between different areas. It is associated with both the Air and Light elements, and as such, beings associated with those elements have a much easier time with this spell.


When complete, this spell will generate a material rainbow that can be used as a bridge between two different places. The bridge will have the start and end points that the user specifies in the second part of the incantation.


When this spell is cast, the rainbow will emerge from the user's casting tool, making its way down to its specified end location. It will then detach from the user's casting tool and attach at its start location, allowing it to be used as a bridge.

Material Components

The amount of Anima used in this spell determines the rainbow's duration. Lower-powered rainbows will only last a few hours at most, while rainbows with more magical power will last until someone dispels them.

Gestures & Ritual

The incantation has two parts. The first part beseeches the powers of Air to allow for the creation of the bridge:

Powers of rain and summer storm, I beseech you; split the skies open and draw down a bridge of colors!

The second part of the incantation determines the start and end points of the bridge:

Cast it from here to the land of Rainbow Country!

At this point, the bridge will begin to materialize.

Related Element
Air, Light
Effect Duration
A few hours to indefinite
Applied Restriction

As it is associated with the Air and Light elements, beings of these elements have an easier time using this spell. Unseelie elementals in particular may have difficulty with this spell, as its energy (Seelie) is opposed to their own. This is not to say that these elementals cannot use this spell at all, however.

Additionally, this spell is far weaker at night, since it is a Seelie spell. Rainbow bridges drawn down at night may only last a few minutes to a few hours, as opposed to how long they last in the daytime.


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