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Death for magical creatures in Altairus is not unlike our own, save for a few small but important details.

Note that many of these rules were put into place to prevent the use of the "Fake Out Death/Disney Death" trope. I do not want this trope showing up anywhere in my work, and by laying out the rules here, I can ensure that using it would go against the rules of the universe.


When a faery or elemental dies, their daemon, the manifestation of Anima inside of them, fizzles and dies out. It is at this moment that they are considered truly dead. Once this happens, the body will collapse into the base element that the faery or elemental was associated with. These elements are recycled back into the world around them, and reviving them is impossible. Necromantic spells cannot revive an extinguished daemon, and time-travel spells do not allow the caster to interfere with past or future events. Interestingly, there are many creatures throughout Altairus that are "semi-magical," meaning that they possess magical abilities but do not collapse into their base element after they die. Usually, these creatures are at the lower levels of the food chain in Altairian ecosystems, and their meat is often used in local cuisine. Typically, magical beings are sentient while semi-magical beings are not, but this is not a hard and fast rule.


Magical creatures will collapse into their base element regardless of whether they are in Altairus or on Earth. In fact, they are more likely to die on Earth since Earth has far less Anima than Altairus.


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