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Fenghuangs are widely known throughout Altairus, but rarely seen. These ethereal beings serve as the opposite number to wendigoes; beings of pure energy that supply their environment with Anima and can heal the world around them.

Basic Information


Fenghuangs are made out of pure Undifferentiated Anima. As such, like wendigoes, they do not have one constant form. Rather, they are shapeshifters, normally taking on the form of animals, but sometimes taking the form of plants or even inanimate objects. No matter what form they take, they can be recognized by their otherworldly glowing eyes and stark white forms. The aura they give off is an impressive six-color rainbow, each color representing one of the elements of Anima.
Despite on the surface being completely opposite to one another, fenghuangs and wendigoes are very similar in nature. In fact, they are effectively two sides of the same coin, and it is entirely possible for a wendigo to transform into a fenghuang and vice versa. The obscure Undifferentiated spell Heaven's Transformation does just that; it allows the caster to use the power of Undifferentiated Anima to transform a wendigo into a fenghuang. However, it is incredibly obscure and difficult to use, and not all wendigoes can be transformed with it. This makes the Wendigo Banishing Incantation the most practical spell to use when confronted with a wendigo.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Being made of pure energy, fenghuangs neither eat nor drink. In fact, they constantly emit Undifferentiated Anima, feeding the world around them with the energy they give off.


Fenghuangs rarely appear in front of Altarians. When they do appear, they are either a herald for an era of peace and prosperity in Altairus or a protector of Altairus in its time of need. They also tend to appear when a particularly benevolent or virtuous faery or elemental passes away. Many believe that these fenghuangs are either the souls of the departed or angelic beings waiting to take them to paradise, seeing them being simultaneously a blessing and a curse.
Being made of Undifferentiated Anima, their very presence repels wendigoes. For this reason, they accompany heroes on journeys to vanquish the wendigoes, serving as walking wendigo wards. When wendigoes and fenghuangs clash, it is always an epic spectacle to watch.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While fenghuangs cannot be tamed or domesticated, they are known to appear when Altairus is in danger. They will provide their assistance by supplementing magical spells with their own magic and providing rides to heroes on their quests. They also try to give advice to those in need, though their advice is often very vague because they cannot afford to elaborate and risk shattering the listener's psyche with their voices.

Average Intelligence

Unlike wendigoes, fenghuangs are always intelligent, communicating through telepathy. However, hearing a fenghuang's telepathic voice can be dangerous. At the very least, it induces significant headaches in the listener. At worst, the listener's psyche may shatter completely and permanently. To avoid this, fenghuangs only communicate with magical beings, who are more resistant to the negative effects of hearing their voices, and communicate rather tersely to lower the chances of the most severe consequences occuring.
Some Forms That Fenghuangs Can Take
Associated Element


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