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As seen in

Frosti Winter Thunder (a.k.a. Frosti)

Frosti (Furosshi-Ane in Japanese) is Jack Thunder's older sister. She raised him since he was a toddler, and joins him on his quest to become the new wielder of Stormbringer when he finds it inside Mt. Tempest. Though she has her misgivings, she will support him no matter what.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Frosti has a tall, somewhat athletic build. She is stronger and more agile than her brother, but not on the same level as some of the other members of Jack Thunder's crew, being a spellcaster herself.

Body Features

Her antennae and tail tend to remain in the same position consistently; her antennae form drooping semicircles, and her tail droops downward in an S-bend.

Identifying Characteristics

Frosti is never seen without her light blue eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Even on a quest, she makes sure to always have it.

Special abilities

Frosti's specialty, as you may well imagine, is in ice magic. She can generate cold blasts of air from her hands that freeze anything they come into contact with, as well as create snowstorms. Anyone caught in one of these blasts can develop "Frosty Fever," a magical sickness that mimics the symptoms of a bad cold and gives its sufferer nasty chills.

Apparel & Accessories

Frosti wears an indigo jumpsuit with muted pacific blue gloves, shoes, and badge. Her badge bears the image of an icy blue snowflake made of eight diamond shapes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Frosti was about ten years old when Jack Thunder came into her life.

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Only a scant few years afterward, their parents left for war and never came home. Since then, she has been raising Jack Thunder with the help of the rest of the Storm Gremlin village. When he embarks on his quest in "Fragments Assemble!" she follows him to make sure that he is kept safe.


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Unbeknownst to even herself at the start of "Fragments Assemble!" Frosti is a lesbian. She discovers this fact during the Fire act of the story.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has managed to raise Jack Thunder more or less on her own

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since their parents died.
When he takes on his quest to defeat the wendigoes, she is right there by his side.

Mental Trauma

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The death of her and her brother's parents in the War of the Wendigoes has affected her more profoundly than it has him. Having been old enough to remember their parents' deaths and to understand why they died, Frosti has grown somewhat cynical and bigoted towards humans. Her biggest fear is that Jack Thunder will embark on his quest and die in the midst of it just like their parents did. She initally tries to keep Stormbringer away from him, but reluctantly relents after she sees how much this quest means to him.

Personality Characteristics


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Since realizing how intent Jack Thunder was on becoming the new wielder of Stormbringer, Frosti now hopes that he lives a fulfilling life that lasts as long as fate will allow. Barring all else, she hopes that they can die together so that neither has to live without the other.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Frosti is smart, resourceful, and practical. She is also a bit better at socializing than Jack Thunder is, though she can definitely still turn people off with her cold, distant demeanor.

Likes & Dislikes

Frosti is incredibly protective of Jack Thunder and will lose her temper if she sees someone purposefully hurting him. Similarly, she tends to get tense when her brother is getting himself into trouble or is around a human. Despite all of this, she is happy to see that he is growing up and coming into his own.

Virtues & Personality perks

Out of her and her brother, Frosti is the more practical and even-keeled of the two. She is well aware that the world is not always roses, and she thinks of and prepares for the worst case scenario in case it happens.

Vices & Personality flaws

Frosti tends to be quite cynical and suspicious towards anything and everything. This leads her to make less-than-honest moves that destroy the trust around her at times, trying to trick them before they can trick her.

Her second flaw, her prejudice towards humans, is borne of her perception of their role in the War of the Wendigoes

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and the loss of her and her brother's parents.
She doesn't approve of Jack Thunder interacting with humans, but if she is around them, she is generally too polite to make a scene. She realizes on some level that this is a character flaw and tries to work through it.


Contacts & Relations

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Frosti quickly becomes acquainted with Scylla, the forest dragon who helped Jack Thunder in "Jack Thunder and the Staff in the Mountain." As the story progresses, she meets San, as well as the other members of Jack Thunder's crew. She gets romantically involved with another character in the Fire arc of "Fragments Assemble!"

Family Ties

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Before the War of the Wendigoes, Frosti lived with her infant brother Jack Thunder and their parents. After the war,
she took on the task of raising Jack Thunder herself.

Social Aptitude

Frosti is a bit more socially apt than Jack Thunder is, though her frosty demeanor tends to leave people unsettled.


Frosti's voice is smooth with a contralto register. Her voice is similar to that of Princess Luna from MLP:FIM, except slightly deeper.

Frosti's speech is rather casual, but not as casual or blasé as that of her brother. In the Japanese version, she uses the personal pronoun "watashi" most often, occasionally using "atashi" when speaking to Jack Thunder or insulting someone.

Date of Birth
November 3, 2230 G. E.
Circumstances of Birth
Frosti was born during the coincidence of the Oak Sun and the Newborn Moon.
Sapphire blue, teardrop-shaped
Shaved head under hood, stubble is silvery white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Moderate cyan
6'1'' (185cm)
164 lbs (74kg)
Frosti's Badge
Frosti in Hero Forge
Frosti Standing in the Snow


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