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Goldscale Plains

South of the Emerald Woodland, the Goldscale Plains serve as the habitat for some of the most diverse dragon species in all of Altairus.


The Goldscale Plains is a dry grassland surrounded by marvelous golden mountains. There are two mountain ranges flanking the Goldscale Plains: The Major Goldscale Range and the Minor Goldscale Range.


Organisms in the Goldscale Plains are primarily either of the Fire or Earth elements. Water elementals are vanishingly rare due to how dry the plains are.

Ecosystem Cycles

The plains receive even less rainfall than usual between the Dawn of Autumn and the Winter Solstice.


The climate of the Goldscale Plains is very dry; elementals of the Fire and Earth elements are stronger in this zone for this reason. It may only receive a few centimeters of rainfall every year.

Fauna & Flora

If there is one thing the Goldscale Plains are known for, it is dragons. The plains are home to some of the most diverse species of dragons in Altairus, ranging from smaller land dragons to great winged beasts. Besides that, tall grasses and prey animals adapted to dry prairies such as antelope and prairie dogs thrive here.

Natural Resources

Despite their appearance, the mountains in the Goldscale mountain ranges are not actually rich in gold. They are, however, rich in iron pyrite.


The Goldscale Plains was the land that received the most detailed accounts from Professor James Harmony in his account of his time in Altairus. His notes inspired many stories that Earth dwellers enjoy to this day.


At some point in history, there lived a wealthy Earth family who housed an Altairus portal leading to the Goldscale Range in their mansion. The portal was overseen by a massive stone dragon. Since the Separation, however, the portal only leads to a brick wall.
Dragon's Flame Breakfast tea, a popular tea blend hailing from the Goldscale Plains. The landscape is in the background of this image.
Ornate Altairus portal leading to the Goldscale Plains
South Pandora
Dry Grassland
Associated Element(s)
Fire, Earth
Alternate Name(s)
Dragon Country, Dragon's Flame Plains


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