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Harlequin Gremlin

Harlequin gremlins are the closest thing Altairus has to a clown species. Colorful and fun-loving, these Dark elementals serve as the performers in the Circus of Shadows. Their physical resilience and flashy magical powers make them ideal show-stoppers for any occasion.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Harlequin gremlins share many biological traits with storm gremlins. The males tend to have stocky forms, while the females are much leaner. However, unlike storm gremlins, male harlequin gremlins reach about the same height as the females.

Male harlequin gremlins tend to have more muscle and physical strength than the females. Females, known as fifinellas, balance this out by having superior magical skills to males.

Genetics and Reproduction

Harlequin gremlins only give birth to one offspring at a time. These offspring take about 20 years to fully mature, much like storm gremlins.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like all gremlins, harlequin gremlins are omnivorous. Many are accustomed to eating on the go as the Circus of Shadows migrates around Altairus.

Biological Cycle

Harlequin gremlins are much more active around the time of the Winter Solstice, especially around Summer's End. This is for a couple of reasons; one is that being Unseelie faeries, their powers grow stronger as the days become shorter. The other is that the Dark Carnival runs around the time of Summer's End. This is when many harlequin gremlins work hard setting up and performing at the carnival.


Harlequin gremlins' specialty is entertainment. They are happiest when they are putting on a show for others. This is why most harlequin gremlins work at the Circus of Shadows. Even those who do not tend to get jobs in advertising or other roles where they take center stage.

The magical powers they possess tend to reflect this. Whereas other Dark elementals' magic has a muted color and may or may not even be visible, harlequin gremlins' magic is always very bright and flashy and involves a lot of colors. The more laughter and applause they receive from their audience, the stronger these powers become.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Harlequin gremlins have ashen grey skin and pale pink cheeks. Underneath their eyes are permanent dark circles that give them a somewhat mischievous glare.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All gremlin races are nomadic, and harlequin gremlins are no exception. Because of their affiliation with the Circus of Shadows, harlequin gremlins have spread all across Altairus. They particularly like living in areas with an abundance of Dark magic, unsurprisingly.

Average Intelligence

Harlequin gremlins are sapient, and in fact are one of the smarter kinds of faeries out there. Like nekomata, they are skilled in designing machinery and other technologies. Lethal Joke, the legendary Dark Fragment, was designed by the Great Strombolio, the leader of the Circus of Shadows back in the Golden Era.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being Dark faeries, harlequin gremlins have exceptional eyesight in low light. Their eyes glow with a mysterious inner magic.

Their antennae sensitive to changes in the mood of those around them. This emotive radar ability is imperative to their job as entertainers, as they need to know what actions result in laughs and which do not.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Many harlequin gremlins work in the Circus of Shadows. In fact, the circus is how their species managed to spread across Altairus in the first place.

Common Dress Code

Like storm gremlins, harlequin gremlins wear full-body jumpsuits. Unlike those of storm gremlins, however, these jumpsuits do not have badges. Instead, they have a pied pattern of a dark and light shade of the same color.


Harlequin gremlins have been with the Circus of Shadows ever since it began back in Altairus's early years. Most of their history comes from travelling with the circus.

During the War of the Wendigoes, the Dark Champion of Altairus, known as the Great Strombolio, was the ringleader of the Circus of Shadows. After fending off the wendigoes with a makeshift firework launcher, he bathed it in harlequin gremlin magic and inserted laughing gas grenades into it to make a weapon capable of fighting the Heart of Darkness. It became known as the Fragment of Darkness Lethal Joke.

A Side By Side Comparison of a Male and Female Harlequin Gremlin
Associated Element
Scientific Name
Faeus Gremlis Harlequs
Average Height
5-6 ft.
Average Weight
120-180 lbs.
Average Physique

Male harlequin gremlins are as tall as the females, but retain the stocky, fat-bellied frames of their other gremlin counterparts. Underneath their body fat, they are quite muscular and are good for hauling heavy equipment. This makes them helpful for handling the heavy materials of the Dark Carnival rides across continents when Summer's End is nigh.

Female harlequin gremlins look a lot like female storm gremlins. They are much less muscular than the males, but they have superior magical abilities. They are often chosen to lead performances in the Circus of Shadows.


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