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Heaven's Transformation

Heaven's Transformation is hands-down the most powerful and effective Undifferentiated Anima spell that exists. When it is cast on a wendigo, it transforms it into a fenghuang, turning it from a magic-sucking monster into a benevolent being that heals the world wherever it goes. This spell is the only permanent method that exists for dealing with wendigoes, and it is incredibly obscure and difficult to use.


When used successfully, Heaven's Transformation bathes the wendigo it is targeting in Undifferentiated Anima, dissolving the Null magic that the wendigo is made of and replacing it with itself. When it is finished, the wendigo will have transformed into a fenghuang.

Unlike the Wendigo Banishing Incantation, Heaven's Transformation has a significant effect on non-wendigoes too. Provided that the same requirements are met, the spell will purify the target as it would a wendigo. Note that while wendigoes can change into fenghuangs and vice versa, beings that are not wendigoes or fenghuangs cannot change into either of these beings. Neither humans nor Altairians can forsake their bodies to become spirits of pure energy; this just doesn't happen. Instead, the target will be freed of any negative influence that Null magic may have on them and encourage them to seek help for their problems from other Altairians. So while the effect may not be as profound as in wendigoes, it still puts a dent in the power of Null magic.

Side/Secondary Effects

While the process of transformation is painful, the wendigoes it works on undergo it willingly. Once they are transformed, they are free of their constant misery and magic-hunger. Overjoyed at their newfound freedom, they often begin to fly across Altairus, willingly spreading their healing magic wherever they go and repairing all of the damage they caused as wendigoes. The caster will also experience a significant elevation in mood, the most profound of all as far as Undifferentiated spells are concerned.


When the spell is used successfully, a bright white light with a rainbow aura beams down on the wendigo from above and encases them in light. As they are transforming, their forms will turn from black to white as Null magic is replaced with Undifferentiated Anima.


This spell uses Undifferentiated Anima, which is composed of all six elements of Anima and is powered by the union thereof.


It is unknown just how or when Heaven's Transformation was discovered. While the spell was not a closely guarded secret in the Golden Era, its highly restrictive requirements disallowed most Altairians to use it successfully. It fell into obscurity, not being rediscovered until a few decades into the Post-Separation Era.

Material Components

The user must either carry a conduit for Undifferentiated Anima to flow through or be powerful enough to be able to channel a significant amount of energy from themselves. Alternatively, fenghuangs that accompany the user can supply the needed energy.

Gestures & Ritual

The incantation for this spell is far less aggressive than that of the Wendigo Banishing Incantation. Rather than a harsh rebuke, it consists of a gentle invocation of the powers of Anima. Concentrating on feelings of compassion and benevolence for the target, recite the following:

By the power of Air that provides the sweet rains,

By the powed of Water that nourishes the world,

By the power of Earth that sings us to sleep,

By the power of Fire that warms our hearts,

By the power of Darkness that makes our bed to sleep,

By the power of Light that guides our way forward,

Powers of Anima, I implore thee,

Have mercy on this forsaken soul.

Cleanse the body of all Null disease,

And deliver the heart from evil of all sorts.

So it is done, and so it shall be.

Provided that all the requirements are met, as soon as the last word is uttered, a beam of white light will beam down from the Heavens and fall on the wendigo, transforming it into a fenghuang.

Related Element
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
2-5 minutes
One target
Applied Restriction

Before this spell can be successfully cast, there are a number of requirements that need to be met, both on the user's end and on the target's end.

In order for the spell to work, the targeted wendigo must be intelligent enough to have a decent understanding of their condition (i.e. they cannot simply be a mindless monster; they have to have a modicum of sapience about them). They must also despise being monsters that only live to devour other worlds enough to be willing to undergo the transformation, despite the incredible pain it causes them. Finally, they must be willing to surrender all of their stolen power despite their primal fear of doing so. If the wendigo meets all of these requirements, they are a candidate for transformation.

The caster must also be a certain type of being to be able to cast the spell in the first place. Being especially virtuous, or "pure of heart," so to speak, is not a requirement, contrary to popular belief. What is a requirement, however, is that the user possesses enough empathy and compassion to see the target as more than a destructive beast. In other words, they must be able to find the humanity in the inhuman. If multiple casters are casting this spell, they must all share this trait; even one caster who cannot dredge up this level of compassion can prevent the spell from working.

Even if all other requirements are met, the spell can still fail if the user cannot access enough Undifferentiated Anima to complete the spell. Ideally, the user should either use a conduit for channeling Anima or be old and powerful enough to channel a massive amount of magic without straining their power. Other fenghuangs, if they accompany the caster, can also provide the caster with enough energy to complete the spell.

Despite all these restrictions, Heaven's Transformation is undoubtedly the most powerful spell for dealing with wendigoes and deserves to be preserved at all costs.


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